floor mats

A mat is a hard floor covering that generally is placed on a floor or other flat surface. Mats serve a range of purposes including:

serving to clean items passed over it, such as a doormat, which removes dirt from the soles of shoes
protecting that which is above the mat, such as a wrestling or gymnastics mat, or an anti-vibration mat
protecting that which is beneath the mat, such as a place mat or the matting used in archival framing and preservation of documents and paintings
providing a regular or flat surface, such as a cushioned computer mousepad

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  1. H

    Interior CJ7 Molded Floor Mats

    Hey guys, I'm installing nice new carpet in the CJ7 and want to get some molded floor mats. I just can't seem to find any. Do any of you know where I can get molded floor mats? Thanks Dave
  2. collinsbrosjeep

    Misc. Mopar Licensed AMC Americana Jeep Floor Mats NOW AVAILABLE in 5 colors!

    We now have Mopar Licensed AMC Americana Floor Mats available in Black, Garnet Red, Slate Blue, Desert Tan AND Nutmeg! Use Promo Code TAKE10 for 10% off your entire order. Collins Bros Jeep is the exclusive dealer for these mats. Link to all available colors: (Link)-> CJ Restoration Shop - Floor...
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