
Newbie is a slang term for a novice, newcomer, or somebody inexperienced in a given profession or activity. In particular, it may refer to a new user of computers, and often concerns Internet activity, such as online gaming or Linux use.
The origin of this term is uncertain. Earliest uses probably date to late twentieth century United States Armed Forces jargon, though possible precursor terms date much earlier. The related term noob (often stylized as n00b) is frequently used in online gaming.

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  1. R

    Misc. Noob maintenance

    The usual noob contentious questions: I Just acquired an 84 4.2l 6. A Few questions. 1. Part number for oil filter. 2. Recommended oil 100k milage efi. 3. Coolant recommendation. 4. Break upgrade recommendation. 5. Haynes or Chilton (or something else) for a maintenance refrence.
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