
In digital electronics, a level shifter, also called level converter or logic level shifter, or voltage level translator, is a circuit used to translate signals from one logic level or voltage domain to another, allowing compatibility between integrated circuits with different voltage requirements, such as TTL and CMOS. Modern systems use level shifters to bridge domains between processors, logic, sensors, and other circuits. In recent years, the three most common logic levels have been 1.8V, 3.3V, and 5V, though levels above and below these voltages are also used.

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  1. B

    Trans Unable to remove Top Cover on T176

    Hi all, Currently. working on replacing top cover gasket and am unable to remove the cover. Lifting the cover up about 3/4" shows that the rear fork is not lined up with the slot in the case. The fork is forward of the slot preventing the cover from being removed. Based on this forum entry...
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