85 cj7

85 cj7

85 cj7

I am also new to jeeps and I have a 85 CJ7 with a AMC 304 and a chrysler 904 transmission with a Dana 300 . i am thinking of replacing the whole drivetrain for a small block chevy 350. i am not sure about pros or conns for this idea. Any sugestions would be great and also everything works great now but im not sure what it is all worth. Help me make this decision im open to all ideas thanks.
If your AMC 304 works good keep it and ad Fuel Injection.Your trans is most likely a TF999 or TF727 both are good transmissions but the 904 was for 4cyls.Why do you want to swap to Chevy?
I thought about adding fuel injection to what i have but i can get all new chevy stuff cheaper than adding fuel injection
You can also ad Chevy TBI for really cheap.Best of both worlds.

Chevy parts may be cheap but when your all said and done with swap youll have 2xs ivested with what you thaought
Putting in a Chevt V8 is a little more work than many think - and actually can be a little expensive once you add in all the hidden costs (exhaust, wiring, adapters, linkages, hoses...).

It is still a very common swap though.

Here is a nice thread following a swap!

I think if your AMC 304 is running fine (which someone swaped in already) leave it alone. You say you are new to jeeps, so just enjoy the jeep for now.
Putting a 350 in your jeep is going to cost you big bucks and be a lot of work. It would be easier and cheaper to put in a 360.
ok thanks for all who have posted replies for my post it is definatley giving me a lot to think about i really appreciate it.

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