Another question

Another question


Knoxville TN
Ok I have another questions for you smart fellars!!!! ;) ok so I won a T-150 on ebay and I guess during the shipping the mainshaft slipped out a little, how does this go back in ? Do I have to take the front shaft assembly off ? does this make sense lol;
The mainshaft slid back just a bit towards the opening for thransfer case? If it slid back, it should just slide forwards. You might have to jiggle a slider to get it to line up.

Big question... I wasn't even aware this was possible... Did you get an assembled transmission?
Yeah the T-176 I was gonna use needed to be rebuilt "according to a trans shop" they wanted to charge me 1000 and before I spent that I figured for now I would just try and find stock tranny to go back in it to save some money, money is tight right now. Anyway so I won a tranny off ebay it was already assembled! the shaft slod out from the transfer case not being bolted up there, looks like he tried to rig it up with a coat hanger but in the package so it wouldnt move but it didnt work.

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