Don't watch this if your afraid of heights!

That was to cool, but then again the higher in height I am the more I like it...
But "NO" i do not want to climb that!
You couldn't pay me enough to do that job, and I even like being high.
They must be gov. workers though. It takes two people up there to change a light bulb.
What gets me is 30 pounds of tools.There's not enough stuff to work on when you get up there.Unless there's 20 screwdrivers incase you drop them.
I jumped off a 1400'+ tower once - no climbing involved - not sure I could climb the remainder...
I guess the part that got my attention was the part about not needing to "tie off" and how it was a good thing. I think OSHA wants me tied off anytime I am more than 6 feet off the ground. Even mountain climbers are tied off as a rule. This could be an excellent opportunity to win a Darwin award.:cool:
Not an award i will be striving for :eek:
I keep getting this image of climbing all the way up and then dropping the only screw driver I had with me.....And needing it!
I keep getting this image of climbing all the way up and then dropping the only screw driver I had with me.....And needing it!

LOL. sounds like something that would happen to me. :eek:
Not an award i will be striving for :eek:
I keep getting this image of climbing all the way up and then dropping the only screw driver I had with me.....And needing it!

Sounds like new hire training. That would be a good way to learn never to do it again.
:chug:That was a good clip: My arms and hip are still burning and my grip is gone. My luck if I made it half the way up ,I would have to go # one:p
The tower was (is) in Bithlo Fl. I jumped (trespassed) way back in the 80's. A very stupid thing to do but I was in my teens and an idiot! :)

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