Hot, Hot, Hot

Hot, Hot, Hot


'74 CJ-5, 304 (V-8), T-15, Dana 44, Maxxis Buckshot Mudders, 2'' Lift, Herculiner,
Hello Forum! Long time reader, first time poster...

Anyway, been working on my first jeep for the last few months...74 CJ5 , AMC 304 . Anyway, just got it on the street for the first time the last few weeks. Runs smooth, but HOT. After an hour, the hood and grill are still screaming hot. Getting some anti-freeze\water coming out of the overflow hose...(and on to my garage floor) Too hot, clearly. Suggestions? A little frustrated b\c just started making arrangements for paint. This is going to slow that process down. Idle was running high, so I've backed it down, but still really hot. I'm thinking Thermostat, Water Pump or Lower Hose...but not sure where to start. I figure I might as well replace Thermostat and Water Pump regardless. Jeep is bascially going to be a weekend driver, so probably a 180 thermostat should do. Please help! Looking forward to hearing everyone's expertise :notworthy: and getting this jeep back to where it once was. Thanks, 74CJ5 in NC.
I'd pull the T-stat out, put it back together, and start it with the radiator cap off. Peek inside with the fluid topped off and see if you are getting coolant flow. That will tell you if the water pump is working and the radiator is not clogged. If it stays cold, new T-stat and you should be done. If not,at least you eliminated the cheap fix and can then tear into the pricier stuff.

Thanks for the suggestions...that sounds like a plan. You're suggesting that I remove the T-Stat, leave it out, and put everything back together? Then, with the cap off, how can I tell if I'm getting coolent flow? If I can see that I am (though I am not sure how I'll tell), you're suggesting a T-Stat replacement, right?
With the cap off you'll see the coolant flowing.
Also let it warm up take it for a drive when it' s good and hot open the hood and using the carb rev the motor and see if either of the hoses collapses. If they or one does it could be an old worn hose or a clog.
BrockGrimes - Should I try your suggestion w\ or w\o the T-Stat in? Sounds like maybe your suggestion is something to try before going through the T-Stat removal in order to test whether its the hoses collapsing. Am I understanding you correctly?
I believe he meant before that way if they collapse then it could be your hoses, If not then move on to checking the t-stat. good luck!
When you pull the T-stat, you can boil a pan of water and drop it in to see if it opens. If it doesn't then there's your problem. (water temp has to be above t-stat rating for it to open btw.);)
Good tip Jeff.
Yeah check for hose collapse before work begins.
The lower hose on mine had a spring in it to prevent hose collapse. Not sure if they all do can't remember.
Also mech or elec fan?
may not be anything wrong if you don't have a closed system.
water/coolant expanding after shutdown.
if you filled the cooling system to the bottom of the cap opening, the expansion of the water/coolant after shutdown has to go some where...out the overflow hose.
Lower the level an inch or two below the cap opening and try again.
This leaves room for expansion.
Putting a thermometer in the water/coolant with the cap removed will tell you the temp.
Thank you all!!!!

Went ahead and changed T-Stat and adjusted fan belt. There seemed to be a bit too much "play" in the belt. Hopefully between adjusting belt tension and new T-Stat it will help the temps. I am not running a shroud; would it make that much of a difference??? Are they hard to find? Costly? I hope not, since its just a piece of plastic... Anyway, seemed to still be running warm, though I did put in a little less coollant than was previously in there...thinking it may just have been overfilled, resulting in the overflow out of the hose. Keep the suggestions coming, this is great!
Have you checked the heater to see if you have warm air? Could possibly be an air lock in the system. Just happend to me. Also feel the top and bottom of the radiator to see if there is any difference in heat. Just a thought.
I am not running a shroud; would it make that much of a difference??? Are they hard to find? Costly? I hope not, since its just a piece of plastic..!

Yes it will help quite abit. New ones are priced way to much, I would look for a used one.
Probably cheaper to pick up a ford contour dual electric fan from the JY than a new shroud.
No shroud = BAD. Get a shroud!

I adapted one from and intermediate GM to my CJ.

Now I will be using a dual Contour fan.
i have a 77 CJ5 with the AMC 304 and no fan shroud that would run supper hot..

swaped out the mech. fan for a ford contur electric fan (cheaper than a fan shroud) and the differance is night and day. i can run my jeep all day long and only turn one fan on (unless im out wheeling somewhere then i turn them both on just to be safe)
One more point.
Be careful! the area you are working in is a wonderful place to get your name in the Guinness book of screw ups. Scalding hot water and all kinds of rapidly moving things that cut and bite.

A public service message from the "don't bleed on that CJ" coalition
Can anyone give any additional insight regarding this electric Ford Contour fan theory? This thread is the first I've heard of replacing my current fan with the Contour fan. What's the deal? Why Contour? What types of adjustments\mods am I looking at for implementing this fan?
Also...are there any particular model years that are recommended?

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