I6 oil leak

I6 oil leak

Out of my mind CJ5

Active Jeeper
74 CJ5
scrap built CJ7
just got a new to me 79 7 home and found it to have an oil leak around the intake and exhaust manifolds,:mad: im confused, i don't know why any oil would flow in either of those? anybody else had this problem, how long does it take to fix, im just tryin to flip this one real soon and hope to make a couple bucks on it
I would be inclined to think that you are leaking from the valve cover......
I would be inclined to agree. :cool:
I would be inclined to agree. :cool:
AMCS are very well known for valve cover leaks. Alot of the times its closer to the fire wall and will leak down the back of the engine and look like a Rear main leak
Hate to sound like a broken record, but yea valve cover.
Now just watch, he pulls the cover and a two pound chunk of head comes with it. :eek:
Our credibility circling the drain.:(
I am going to go out on a limb here and say maybe it's the valve cover that is leaking.
I don't know why no one else ever thought of this.
wow dont know what i was thinking:confused: and yes it was the valve cover for anybody that was wondering. thanks guys
I hope this vast store house of knowledge yields a nice profit for you.
wow dont know what i was thinking:confused: and yes it was the valve cover for anybody that was wondering. thanks guys

My valve cover is from a Zj but What I did was I used a cork gasket and then I slathered it with rtv, It hasnt leaked since.... Also if you have one of those stupid plastic valve covers you are better off dropping the $$ on a metal one (either stock steel or maybe an aftermarket aluminum one if you are feeling froggy)

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