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It's Just Been a Good Day

It's Just Been a Good Day


Senior Jeeper
Kenefick, TX
81 CJ7, 258 I6, D30, D300, D20, TF6 Auto, 95 YJ Rio Grande, 2.5L, AX5, 02 Dodge 2500 Diesel, 09 Prius (hers)
It's been miserable around here for weeks. Rain, cold, more rain, more cold. Cabin fever hittin' hard. Back ordered parts, and couldn't put them on if they came. Lousy tv. Re-reading old posts for something to do. Getting beat at solitaire.
Ahh, but today! One of those rare February days! Sunshine. Close to 70. No wind.
Ground out the mismatched hole to get the last bolt on the new rear bumper. Installed the quick disconnects for the sway bar links. (With some help from my son, who was off work and not out of town. Damn, it feels good to have him around to help with the things I can't seem to do anymore, and just talk.) Remounted a tow hook, aimed the KC lights, and took the ole girl for a spin.
Probably not a historical event in the whole scheme of life, but just a damn good day to be alive.
still cold and snowy here...too cold to work on mine and the first race isn't far off! What to do?
Sounds like a darn good day :chug:

It was cold and crappy here, but it is CT in the middle of February... I can't wait for 70's and sunshine.
Sounds like a darn good day :chug:

It was cold and crappy here, but it is CT in the middle of February... I can't wait for 70's and sunshine.

Sounds like a great day im gonna be :dung:ting rainbows hopefully next week, gonna go try and snag the steel body tub for my 7. and as me being a Son who helps his dad alot, i know hes damn glad to have me around ha FREE labor but i enjoy the time also :D
i live two states away from my family. miss my dad and brother alot. i know my brother would fall in love with the jeep if i took him out for one ride.

glad you had a good day with your family.:chug:

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