Jeep cj .com...........

Jeep cj .com...........


Crazy Sr. Respected Jeeper
04 Grand, Dodge 2500 CTD, 78 CJ7
I was looking around again for other Jeep sites (there are plenty of them) And pretty much came away with the same feeling as usual. Jeep sites are....
1, not really about Jeeps.
2, are loosely related to Jeeps, but usually new ones, or XJ's
3, cater to only modified off road buggies that were once Jeeps.
4, Have a broad base (too broad) but are run by mods that power trip like condo presidents and flame any opinion that is not theirs. ( a personal jab, as I was "admonished" when I had the audacity to suggest that a mod was incorrect)

I could go on, but you get my drift. :) now we have a "new" site, one that may promise what it's namesake is. JEEP CJ .COM I have hopes that this one site will stand alone as a go to place for actual JEEPERS! honest to God for really CJ guys that just have a good ol CJ, and want to keep it that way. A place where you can ask a question about a carb on a 1969 CJ5 , and not get 200 replies that you you are crazy if you don't throw that antique POS away and go with fuel injection! What idiot uses leaf springs? They make good coil conversions now you know! There are DOZENS of places you can go to find out how to rape and murder your little CJ, and turn it into some painted up tramp it was never meant to be, but not everyone wants to do that to a little piece of history that is slipping away from as. I have done all kinds of mods on my 7, but all the important parts are Jeep. It's still a JEEP. No 300 HP Chevy V8, no Atlas TC, no Ford axles and Toyota interiors. And no fuel injection on a 1978 AMC 258 i6 / 4.2l engine. Just a better Webber carb. Nothing wrong with those mods, but It's not a Jeep anymore, and there are other places that cater to vehicles like that. I hope this site grows up to have a big following of Jeepers that are Jeepers. guys and gals that use the little mutt of the auto world just as they were intended, and still get a feeling of smug satisfaction when they turn the key in their beloved 30+ year old Jeeps to go toolin around on the street, or the trail. just like my "Jeep hero", Granville King! But I'm starting to many of us are still out there?
I agree totaly! I am doing some mods on my CJ7 , but the average person on the street will still know it is an old cj. It does feel good when you can drive down the road in a 30 year old vehicle and feel confident you are going to make it. I have a 1982 yamaha seca i did alot of work on last spring. I rode it the 80 mile round trip to work alot this past summer. My father and brother in law both have new fuel injected harleys. We went to a bike show about 80 miles from my house. Everytime we stopped, my dad kept asking me if the bike was ok, do you need gas, is that speed we were cruising at ok. By the end of the trip, they both needed gas and I had plenty left. When we split on the highway, I blew by them doing almost 100. Since then, they left my "antique" alone.
This site is great because it is full of people who just understand. Until you have experienced fixing something that everyone else is afraid to touch because it is old, you just can't understand the sense of accomplishment.
Wow... To say the least I am flattered that others feel the way I do and you all think so highly of what we (I) are trying to accomplish.

A little about what I wanted to create here for others to enjoy. As a long time CJ owner I was a bit fed up with a few of the sites I frequented. Not because of the lack of knowledge but because of the way it was presented. I wanted a site that not only catered to the CJ but was for anyone who was interested in them. We all started without our knowledge and I hope that others will always feel comfortable enough with this site to be a newbie... We all are a newbie in some respects. I'm always learning about things and always enjoy seeing what others do with their Jeeps.

I created this site with no restrictions for vehicles but I did, and do want it to cater to CJ's. Hence the name... I also created our site with members in mind. Almost everything here is configurable by the users. I mean, how many sites allow the members to create gallery, review, document, article and even club categories? The layout of those pages are even customizable if you so choose... (bet you never new that!). More importantly, I love my CJ! I wanted a CJ site!

Now, don't get me wrong. My CJ has a flat out modified as hell engine so I may be a little different then the average CJ owner but, I will never alter the vintage CJ look or for the most part the driveline. I had thought about a chevy at one time but decided against it. This being said, if any CJ or vehicle owner or interested party ever need help, asks a question or just wants to shoot the breeze (no matter how modified, altered or stock), I will always be open for discusion...

Finally, I'm a stickler for the term 'mutual respect'. I am bit of a cut up but also can be as professional as they come. As harsh as this may sound, this will not become one of those sites that I cringe when I read replies to posts... I promise everyone that!

Now, I cannot tell you all enough how excited and even somewhat proud I am to be here. So far, everyone has been professional and just down right great. I couldn't ask for a better group of site founding members.

Thank you!
I ain't gunna type a big long paragraph, but I will agree with the expressed sentiments in this thread.
I have a very modified CJ that cannot be mistaken for anything but what it is...And I love it.
I heart CJs....that's why I'm here. :)
Do I need to create special pink smilies for the airplane flying, road rash bike riding, K9 training CJer? :laugh: J/K, we all heart CJ's...
The principals I had a year ago (as well as our members) still holds true. Our core competency is to propagate the CJ heritage. Modified or not, it's still a CJ!

WOW - We sure have expand in a year!

Thanks!!! :)
i love the CJs however im of mixed opinions about some modifications but its up to the owners and what they use it for i guess :rolleyes: im thinking of modyfing my jeep to run on electricity but thats me :D
i love the CJs however im of mixed opinions about some modifications but its up to the owners and what they use it for i guess :rolleyes: im thinking of modyfing my jeep to run on electricity but thats me :D

Will this be solar or wind generated??:laugh::laugh::laugh:

This forum does ROCK!!
I am afraid there are no sites that would put up with some, most of us.
Will this be solar or wind generated??:laugh::laugh::laugh:

This forum does ROCK!!
I am afraid there are no sites that would put up with some, most of us.

LOL 1.5 volt lithium cells and over 300 of them running an A/C motor im trying to get a print of the old EV-1 control system but this is in the planning process gas here is over 1.00 a liter now it went up to 1.55 a liter a year ago :eek:

Electric engines were used before gasoline engines on cars and i think the gasoline engine should be parked next to the dinosaurs :D
Easy there killer, at least till the take my gasoline away, I think the only batteries that belong in a Jeep are the ones used to start em'. (oh, and maybe my daughter's power wheels):D.
LOL 1.5 volt lithium cells and over 300 of them running an A/C motor im trying to get a print of the old EV-1 control system but this is in the planning process gas here is over 1.00 a liter now it went up to 1.55 a liter a year ago :eek:

Electric engines were used before gasoline engines on cars and i think the gasoline engine should be parked next to the dinosaurs :D

I may be a little off here but aren’t DC motors more efficient more reliable less maintenance?
I also have to say that this place and the people rock :punk::rock:
This forum does ROCK!!
I am afraid there are no sites that would put up with some, most of us.

I still pop in on some of the other sites, but I call this one home.:chug:
Thank you CJ
The main thing that chaps my Buttocks about other sites is the fact that they have their little cliques. here everybody is treated/bashed the same :D.
#1 in my book........
i have other cj sites in my favorites but there one thing i always notice. i go to the other sites classifieds and thats it. all other post and everything else i do is on this site. this site is like home to me :D
LOL 1.5 volt lithium cells and over 300 of them running an A/C motor im trying to get a print of the old EV-1 control system but this is in the planning process gas here is over 1.00 a liter now it went up to 1.55 a liter a year ago :eek:

Electric engines were used before gasoline engines on cars and i think the gasoline engine should be parked next to the dinosaurs :D

start a thread on alternative power and design options I see your point but dissagree and this is not the place to do it.:chug:
I only visit other sites for info, they tend to be to cliquish and cater to a certain area, most either CO or CA.

We have a broad base here and I like to think it's because of the CJ's.

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