trying to get E-drive working

trying to get E-drive working


Houston, Texas
1978 CJ-7, 1995 YJ
so Im not sure my E-drive is working at all on my CJ.

if I turn the dial in the glovebox, nothing happens it seems, the light doesnt even come on, the funny thing is, when I replaced the carburetor, after the install, the E-drive light was on and I tried working the engagement dial to get it off, but it stayed on for a few days, then it turned back off and hasn't been on since, I'm not even sure how the E-drive works as far as the method it uses to lock the T-case into part time, so can anyone guide me as to where to start :confused:
The Quadra track uses vacuum to engage and disengage. If you some how got the vacuum lines mixed up then that most likely is your problem.

Here is a great photobucket page with everything you need to know about the quadra track -->> Quadr track pictures by fuzzgremlin - Photobucket

And - here is a vacuum diagram.

I had this same problem with my e-drive. It turned out to be 2 things wrong. The vacuum lines were old and in really bad shape and the PO ran the engine vacuum source to a ported source instead of a full manifold vacuum. It took me a while to figure out why e-drive wouldnt come on at idle.

Definately check your vacuum lines first and go from there.

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