
Got a 14" trout out of a little reservoir near here about a month ago, then lost four lures Wednesday. Our streams just opened so I will be getting out and seeing how that goes since they basically stopped all stocking in our county last year. Lame state:mad:
We went fishing friday at the dam (our favorite hole) got totally skunked, and to top it off, I was playing with my new GPS unit, had set it on a chair and a gust of wind blew the chair over and my $400 toy went into the drink.
I jumped in (after checking the water depth with my portable sonar, supposedly about 5 ft deep) I don't swim well, but I never did touch bottom. HMM. My bride dived in and dove a few times, and even she could not touch the bottom. So my GPS sit at the bottom of the lake now...:(
So my GPS sit at the bottom of the lake now...:(

Dude, ouch. Now that really makes my Rapala, 2 CastMasters, and a Panther Martin small peanuts.
King salmon opener is sat here and i am going to be ready to go bright and early!

wish me luck! since my wife is going to be learning how to :notworthy:fly fish at the same time.
so my fishing is going to be
Got back from Minnesota yesterday, did not fish there. but, today hit the local reservoir and caught all kinds of just under sized Small-mouth Bass, except the one that got away, no really. Hooked his gill and he broke free before I could grab him.
Taking my girls out today so they can at least hook some fish. Then I will bring some pics. Unless they are bigger fish then I get. Or I will just get a pic of me holding the biggest one.;)
I was just thinking , for a thread about fishing there sure arent many pics of fish. Atleast take pics of the empty beer cans. :laugh:
this was my first real fishing trip on the Roanoke
What kinda fish is that? Im not a fisherman whatsoever , but I know its not a rainbow trout. :laugh:
this was my first real fishing trip on the Roanoke
yellow eye rock fish

taste the same as a red snapper
This has got to be a gag. I had "the boy" , Ethan is his name look at the pic. He said "to me it kinda looks like a red snapper". Of course I laugh like hell. The boy is 10 but he fishes with his father a bit.Then you post that reply. Sorry "snapper" and "if it tastes like fish its a dish" is my extent on fishing.
wanted some fresh fish for diner, hit the fishen hole and came up with these crokers. Me and mama can eat tonight.:)


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