My free grill

My free grill


About 5 months ago, while on the way to work my wife and I saw this grill on the side of the road. At lunch it was still there. So my wife called her son and asked him to go get it.

The sheet metal was bent from where it fell out of the truck or trailer. A few whacks with a 4 pound hammer and the dents were pushed back out. There was even some twine tied to the leg, but the twine had broke. Academy and Lowes sells these grills for about $70. The handle that you use to open the grill was broken from the fall and the metal handles are still bent, but they still work just fine. I might straighten them out one day and put a new wooden handle on the grill.

The actual grill that the food sits on is made out of cast iron, so it will never rust out.

Its a perfect size to cook for about 4 - 6 people. I usually start the grill with a small bag of self lighting charcoal, and with a piece of oak or pecan laying next to the charcoal.



Good price! I frikkin love it when I find free stuff that still has life in it! :chug:
It fell out of someones truck and they left it? :confused:

That is a great grill. Cast iron is the best to grill on, gives the best marks and holds the heat so damn good!
i'm actually trying to win a grill in this competition that I entered at work! I would kill for a new one, my old charcoal one just isnt cutting it anymore.
Wow that looks great, looks alot better than mine and it cost a whole lot less, wish I could get lucky and see one just sitting on the side of the road.
OMG! That food looks good! What's in the Tin Foil?
If they had that grill in the back of a Jeep it wouldn't have fallen out!
I picked up a winch that fell off a truck once. It's on the front of "Big Red" now.

God Bless Folks that drive trucks!
I would personally have replaced the inner guts of the grill, you never really know who or what used that grill in the past. But none the less, it is always great to obtain a free item.

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