New poll for all of us tool people

New poll for all of us tool people


My brother CJ and I were arguing this morning after I put about 3/4 of an inch of flathead screwdriver into my hand, what hurts worse, flat or phillips head. If your a tool junky like we are, you've done it more than once, always saying that it will never happen again. So which is it folks, we want to know. I say flat, CJ says phillips. Don't agree with him just because he runs the site.:chug:
sorry, phillips. Seems to punch the hole in more than slice it.

Either one sucks though.
Sorry you messed up - but phillips all the way! The puncture hurts more then the slice... :)
Phillips head screwdrivers have a more pointed end making them pierce the skin almost too quick to cause any pain. Flathead screwdrivers are almost like a chisel and have to be "punched" through the skin causing more discomfort.

That being said when using a screwdriver its constantly in a turning motion. Turning a flathead in your hand is only slighlty annoying as it only has two edges as a point of contact. A phillips on the other hand has four points and gives you a "gear effect" grabbing and pulling at the skin you havent even damaged yet.

Slight edge to the Phillips head as long as your using it properly. :laugh:
Being a SEASONED veteran of both screwdriver wars...over and over again..:mad: I have to say the phillips is the king of pain.
I beg to differ, but I was using a large flathead which has a nice flat tip, no point like the phillips to make an entrance. The flathead does a nice job of making a big slot, unlike the phillips which uses a tip to make a start to the hole. Not to mention 4 sharp corners on a flathead, where the phillips is round. Granted it has the serations, but nothing compared to the destruction of the flathead.
I have to go flathead. At least it seamed to hert more to me, but I have never tryed them both at the same time.:eek:
Screw Driver rule#1
Any screw driver used in any manner for other than it's intended purpose, will end up stabbing you!

That being said, hands down the damn FLATHEAD.
1. It goes to the bone far quicker due to it's thin knife like edge.
2. If it doesn't stab the bone it tears and scrapes a large chunk of flesh off and
leaves you with that bare piece of hide that just burns and burns, and when it quits
you always seem to get something in it to remind you exactly where it is.
3. Slips easier and always seems to have the tip chipped when it stabs you.
I have to say flathead too. The flat head has more surface area to do damage.
I thin it depends on what chemical you are working with that day and have on the end of the screw driver. after all we all use our flat heads to mix epoxies, scrap grease and gaskets, and do a lot of jobs we do not use Philips for, on the other hand we seem to open stuff by puncturing it with the Philips.
clean, I will go with a Philips down deep into the lower thumb muscle, most flat tips are shallow cuts.
does this include screw gun bits??
I would say a flat head with a screw gun would be about as bad as it could get without moving into spade bits and augers. The only way I can imagine stabbing my self with a screw driver would be using it for something other than a screw driver and all the things I can think of doing would not be possible with a philips. I would use a flat blade to puncture things rather than a philips and a flat head works very well for cutting sheet metal.

I'm sorry I am getting way off base here but with a topic this silly, who really cares?:rolleyes:
Gotta say flathead- oh, and never try to open pacific oysters with one- they have no easy way in and seeing a screwdriver come out the other side of the meat of your thumb is not cool.
I don't stab myself much with phillips. My most common stab is while using a flat to remove horseshoe clips on brake shoes. Just the fact that it happens so frequently with the flat gives it my vote.
Gotta go with flat
after getting pissed and throwing a flat head just to have it bounce off a 5 gallon bucket and see it return and stick in the meat of my right fore arm im goin with flat head... just looked at the scar and man does that bring back memories...

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