1979 CJ7 broken front locking hubs
I am thinking about purchasing a 1979 CJ7 but the seller says the knobs on the front locking hubs have broken off. What would cause this? Is it an easy fix? I am only paying $1,200 for so is this really that big a deal? Well any input would be greatly appreciated since I am new to this. Also where can I find some cheap doors for this vehicle?
Read more: http://www.jeep-cj.com/forums/f16/1979-cj7-broken-front-hub-lockers-9000/#ixzz1KOUpHMox
Read more: http://www.jeep-cj.com/forums/f16/1979-cj7-broken-front-hub-lockers-9000/#ixzz1KOUpHMox