304 to 360 swap

304 to 360 swap


Active Jeeper
plainfield indiana
79 cj7 360 3 speed
ok guys i found a 360 local for $350 and it is still in the car so i heard it run ,but now that its home and on a stand the heads are not the dogleg type like my AMC 304 witch somebody on here said they flow better is that true and if so is there any reason i cant put my "good" heads on the 360 before i put it in the jeep ?
1) What is stamped on the side of the block by the motor mount? That is where AMC designated the CID of the engine.

All 360's came with dogleg ported heads, the square ports heads were on 1966 - 1969 engines (the 360 didn't start production until 1970).

You may either have a 290 (very rare), 343 or if your lucky a 390...

The center bolt pattern on the dogleg heads are different and will not directly bolt up to a Gen 2 intake but the intake bolt holes can be modified and then milled.

Your AMC 304 heads have smaller valves then normally found on a 360 though... :(

Now - AMC did offer replacement blocks that had the 360 cast into the block and from what I remember - they can be used as a Gen 2 or Gen 3 block - maybe you have one of those?
ok sorry i started looking tonight it is a 360 based on the cast numbers on the block and it does have the dogleg style heads they are just so caked with i assume carbon and burnt oil or what ever that i just paniced when i first looked at them so i pulled them off today and will drop them off to be rebuilt tommorow my next question is the cam is there a cam out there that works realy well for these motors again i have the edelbrock intake and 425 carb thanks again
Yes, on AMC engines the #'s cast in the block near the mounts is the Cid.401part119_JPG.jpg


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