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85 CJ7 with auto hard time shifting out of park

85 CJ7 with auto hard time shifting out of park
1985 CJ-7. guess it has an 89 straight 6 with weber crab. Auto trans and transfer case (not sure what but stock [maybe 300 on the transfer]) open diffs. Hard top and doors
Hi all, Just got this 1985 CJ7 :). Its going to be my DD. The PO said that its got a AMC 258 i6 / 4.2l out of an 89 YJ, but everything else is stock 85. SO after some research. I think I have the Chrysler TF999 Transmission . Jeep runs great and the only real problem so far is: ( I did do a search and didn’t see anything that helps. sorry if I missed it)

that it takes a good amount of force to shift it out of park :censored:. When I do shift it I usually skip R and go right to N or D. I had the column apart to tighten it up (the tilt was loose) didn’t see anything wrong. I disconnected the cable the the column seems to move just fine. I notice that the cable is like 6 feet long and makes a couple of loops, Is that normal? The other problem is that I can not shift it down into 1st on the column.

So I’m thinking that the cable is just too long? But I can’t seem to find any info on what the cable length should be. Does anyone know? What else might cause this problem.

I'm going to look at the kick down stuff tomorrow, But she seems to do just fine shifting gear on its own. Just real hard coming out of park.

Thanks for the help in advance
What cable are you referring to. A auto CJ should have a mechanical linkage set up not cable. I would DC the cable from the Transmission and try shifting it. Then sdisconnect it from the column and try moving the shifter. If its still hard to shift with the cable disconnected from the column then you got a column issue. Take a few pick of the end of the offending cable and where it hooks into the column.

So here are some pic's. After some research I think it's a Ididit linkage setup:confused:. The red cable that my hand is holding is the downside of the loop that the cable makes. So it starts at the column goes down about 2 feet make a loop comes back to the top of the engine compartment then back down to the tranny.

If the original set up was a linkage ,then this is something aftermarket or home brewed.

If I disconnect the cable from the column, the column moves smoothly. It just seems to me that the cable is way to long. I would think that it should just go straight as possible from the column to the tranny.

Any thoughts? thanks again
that must be an aftermarket set up. the welds on the bracket are really clean. i would disconnect the cable from the Transmission and from the column and see if the cable moves freely with the loops in it. then straighten it out and see if it moves freely. then check the Transmission linkage where the cable connects. it should move like a ratchet with a positive stop at all gears. make sure you put the parking brake on and chock the wheels. you dont want to run yourself over. if the cable is shot, you can buy a replacement cable in different lengths from summit or jegs. the cable looks just like the one on my b and m shifter that i hate so much. i might try to convert it to a column shift like yours. i could use some more pics of how the bracket mounts to the column so i can fabricate something on my own. i dont like spending money on something i can do myself with things i have laying around my shop. also, the bracket might not be located properly on the column, forcing the cable to bind as you shift the gears.
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Thanks for that info, I disconnect it from both end and see what happens. I'll won't be able to do that til Monday (in a hockey tourny this weekend :chug:). I keep you posted. PM me your email and I can send a bunch more pictures then too.

Thanks again
Alright, so I got around to looking at everything again today. I order a new cable just cause, I thought a 4 foot cable would be better then a 6. Plus thought it would be nice to have on hand if I need it.

I disconnected the old cable from both ends, the cable moved freely. It moved nice an smooth. SO I thought well maybe because its so long that that was giving me all the problems.

Swapped out the 6 foot cable for the 4. Still have the same problem. So I start looking at the angle of the brackets. See that the one on the column could use some adjusting to aline it better. . Get that all done, and BAM! She shifts a lot better now. :)

Now the only problem that I am having is getting the new cable to aline with the Column indicators. :bang: SO when I shift to park, I am in park.

Anyone have an experience messing with this?

Every other gear indicator a-lines up fine! I'm thinking that something might be off in the column its self.
did this fix the problem with not beingc aendedble to shift down into 1 on the column?

No, i eventually ended up putting on a Lokar floor mount linkage shifter. I also believe that the tranny has a problem an that's why it shifts so hard out of park..


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You check your motor and Transmission mounts? If they're not perfect, it will be everything in a bind.
No, I assume it's in the Transmission its self. When I had all the linkage apart, I went thought it piece by piece an it all shifted smooth. Then when I tried to shift it off the tranny its self it was still hard. I installed a lokar floor shifter an left it at that for the time. The tranny works fine other then that. So I wait til I need to pull it. I do hear that as far as auto trannys go it's an easy one to rebuild

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