amature question

amature question


Knoxville TN
Where in the world is the fill plug on the Dana 20 ???? I cant find it, I am about to go crazy lol! :eek:
Sorry boss, you will have to just drop the cover. Leave one bolt on top in place, but loose when you do or it will get interesting on you.:D
drop the cover????? wait I am talking about the transfer case, I guess its called a model 20 my bad...:D
LMAO! Welcome to the world of Dana!!! Remove the drain on the bottom of the pan, drain the fluid then use the 'little pointy end' of the gear lube bottle to squirt it back 'up' into the case.... Then - quickly put the plug back in before the lube drains out...

OR - Pull the floor pans and fill it from the top.... I prefer the fill / plug method above... :(
The fill plug on a Dana 20 t-case is like the square plug in this pic: (yes this isn't a 20) But the idea is the same.


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