Auto vs. Manual Differential Lockers
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Auto vs. Manual Differential Lockers
Locked Or LoadedAs far as off-road performance goes, there's nothing you can do to your Jeep that will make as big a difference as adding a rear locker. And once you add a front locker, you'll be amazed at the tractor-like clawing abilities your ride will possess. Lockers help offset the drawbacks of a stiff suspension because forward momentum is no longer impeded if you lift a tire. Lockers add finesse to your driving because you'll be able to idle over obstacles rather than take a running start and making a hail-Mary pass through difficult lines. Lockers have drawbacks. There, we said it.
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Locked Or LoadedAs far as off-road performance goes, there's nothing you can do to your Jeep that will make as big a difference as adding a rear locker. And once you add a front locker, you'll be amazed at the tractor-like clawing abilities your ride will possess. Lockers help offset the drawbacks of a stiff suspension because forward momentum is no longer impeded if you lift a tire. Lockers add finesse to your driving because you'll be able to idle over obstacles rather than take a running start and making a hail-Mary pass through difficult lines. Lockers have drawbacks. There, we said it.
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