Awkward accidents

Awkward accidents


I'm not sure if there's a word for that feeling of inevitability you get when you have a slow, agonizing crash in your car. There really should be.

The other day I was driving a friend's Land Rover, with only two wheel drive because (as usual with Land Rovers) a vital part was missing - the prop. As the terrain steepened and we were leaving the shoot, it slid very, very slowly towards two parked cars - a brand new Range Rover and, of course, a Jeep.

We had enough time to prepare ourselves for the bump, and the Range Rover only suffered minor damage, but the look on the faces of the inhabitants of the two cars was something special - in the Rangey, an aghast, middle aged farmer's wife, and in the Jeep, a slightly amused gentleman who didn't even stop sipping from his drink as he watched the spectacle unfold.

I've had a few other moments like that, when people have been around to see me do something stupid or expensive in a retarded situation. Wondered if any of you guys had had similar experiences.

Hello, by the way... :)
I'm old and have completely repressed all memories of whatever stupid acts I may or may not have done in the past. Now days I sit smugly in my chair safe in the notion that I am totally incapable of making a fool of myself...unless of course you hand me a soldering iron and a small circuit board...I'm fairly sure CJ had an amused look on his face when I sent it to him for fact, I'm fairly certain I probably amused the whole crew he works with. My chances of hire in his company are probably nil.:(
~I'm fairly certain I probably amused the whole crew he works with. My chances of hire in his company are probably nil.:(
I would never embarrass a friend of mine like that. I never showed it to even one of my coworkers.

My Mother on the other had laughed her *** off! :D
I'm not sure if there's a word for that feeling of inevitability you get when you have a slow, agonizing crash in your car. There really should be.

The other day I was driving a friend's Land Rover, with only two wheel drive because (as usual with Land Rovers) a vital part was missing - the prop. As the terrain steepened and we were leaving the shoot, it slid very, very slowly towards two parked cars - a brand new Range Rover and, of course, a Jeep.

We had enough time to prepare ourselves for the bump, and the Range Rover only suffered minor damage, but the look on the faces of the inhabitants of the two cars was something special - in the Rangey, an aghast, middle aged farmer's wife, and in the Jeep, a slightly amused gentleman who didn't even stop sipping from his drink as he watched the spectacle unfold.

I've had a few other moments like that, when people have been around to see me do something stupid or expensive in a retarded situation. Wondered if any of you guys had had similar experiences.

Hello, by the way... :)
LOL - Your post is very refreshing for several reasons. The difference between to similar languages (proper and what we call English), and also because of how true it is.

I hate the slow motion crashes, you have to just watch, helpless and without any recourse. Also, "in the Jeep, a slightly amused gentleman who didn't even stop sipping from his drink," says so much about the differences between a normal auto owner and the majority of we Jeep owners... Basically, "it is going to happen nevertheless so - makes no differences if I fret about it or not!"

And, hello... :chug:
My first accident, it was a dry day, I think my head was up my butt. I turned left and hit a truck (I was driving a Durango at that time.) Anyway, it wasnt slow motion, but it seemed like slow motion.

The 2nd accident (8 months later) I was driving a Grand Prix, and I hit a deer. That was completely different. That SOB popped up out of nowhere, right in front of the car, and he went over the car toward the left, while his tail end went directly over the car. That one happened so quick. I was so pissed. And it happened IN TOWN! Ok, I need to let go of that frustration...
I have never hit a deer but everyone in my family has! They sure can do some damage!
I often wonder what the opossums that I clear in my Jeep think when their fur gets ruffled by the breeze. :D
I don't see any of those really... Some porcupines occasionally.
boy you aint kidding! No this isn't mine, but we have a Durango just like it.
I don't see any of those really... Some porcupines occasionally.
Porcupine? :D

Porcupine? :D

You joke but I've been there...

It may not look like much from this pic but it was...


She had them in her tongue, the top of her mouth, her chest, her legs, and narrowly missing her eyes. There were over 200 of them. We were still pulling them out a week later.

And it happened on Friday the 13th.
Type speak is kinda tough. I happened upon that picture about the same time I read the post. It was ironic. Unfortunately the pic doesn't show the text I also posted which says that the dog (Boady) was ok -


A recent run-in with a porcupine left this South Haven, Kansas pooch with a beard of quills. Boady, a jack russell terrier, got stuck with about 1,000 quills and spent 6 hours (and $400) at the vet for treatment. Owner Kayley Lathers, 12, said despite the ordeal, Boady is going to be all right.

I'm glad that she (your dog) was OK and wouldn't wish that on any animal. My apologies if the post was harsh or out of line.
My apologies if the post was harsh or out of line.

Think nothing of it. :chug:

She stayed a lot closer to the house in the days following that incident. :D

Our trip to the vet cost just about the same amount. Like I said, she did this on Friday the 13th. It was also about 5 pm. So every vet in the area was closing, some that we called wouldn't take her because we weren't their clients, and our regular vet is about an hour away. We ended up going to an emergency vet. It's a good thing that she came home when she did though. We were just heading out to go to dinner with my M-I-L who was in town for the weekend, when Calisto hobbled up the drive.
My old dog (died at 12 years old) did that once. We just sat her down and pulled needles for 1 1/2 hours. Good thing she was a well-mannered dog!
Holy :dung:! Didn't even take her to the vet! My boxer would have tried to chew my arm off!
I know what you mean. I was driving once in a snowstorm... the first storm of the season... so no one had their studded tires on yet. I was stopped at a red light and a car coming from the other direction started fishtailing. I swore it was going to hit my car (was an expedition at the time), and it was all in slow motion... turned out it didn't... not sure how or why it didn't, but I was glad!

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