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Blurring of license plates

Blurring of license plates


Jeep-CJ.com Archive Master
Kathleen, GA
Why is it when people post up a pic they blurr the plate? :confused:

I mean how many people see your plate everyday?!:cool:
Im not 100% sure, but cant you find out personal information by running license plates?
The internet is a scary place :(
Im not 100% sure, but cant you find out personal information by running license plates?
The internet is a scary place :(
True but BrockGrimes has an interesting point: anyone can see your licence plate as you drive down the street.
License plates are public when your on the street but if you are on the Internet people are scared to let people see their plate
i don't know, maybe they don't wann show off their stuff then have somebody come and steal it.

If they want it, they will try.

Mr.Browning and I will be waiting!

I normally don't blur or mask mine when posting online. It is handy to have the license when shopping for used cars though -- allows me to see the smog check history here in California: Vehicle Test History
We have a huge problem of car cloning over here. If say someone from Scotland saw on the internet a red ford escort the same as theirs from the other end of the country, they could get a set of plates made up, put them on their red ford escort and any speeding fines, parking fines etc wouldn't go to them but to the poor sod the other end of the country, also if a car is badly damaged over here it is taken off of the road and it's license revocked, there are people who will fix the car ( badly and often dangerously ) copy a set of plates from the internet from a similar car, then sell it as if there is nothing wrong.

yes you can get the same details from a car in your town, but it would be better to get the details from a car many many miles away, so the two cars are hard to tie together.

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