Building Your Jeep For Mud
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Building Your Jeep For Mud
Slop SlingerThere are a lot of go-slow guys who look down their noses at mud slingers and most of the aftermarket parts you find are geared towards either rock hounds or desert speed freaks. Unlike the naysayers, we know the joy of facing down the bottomless soup-filled pit, sawing the wheel back and forth, using just the right amount of throttle, slinging mud all over, and finally clawing up out of the other side of the pit.
Photo Gallery: Building Your Jeep For Mud - Jp Magazine
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Slop SlingerThere are a lot of go-slow guys who look down their noses at mud slingers and most of the aftermarket parts you find are geared towards either rock hounds or desert speed freaks. Unlike the naysayers, we know the joy of facing down the bottomless soup-filled pit, sawing the wheel back and forth, using just the right amount of throttle, slinging mud all over, and finally clawing up out of the other side of the pit.
Photo Gallery: Building Your Jeep For Mud - Jp Magazine
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