Camping/Trail Food

Pretty cool. I'm dissappointed that they don't have my favorite MRE meals though. Ham Slice, Chilli Mac, and Omlet!
I like the "idea" of the MRE, I just haven't found a meal I would actualy consider eating. Not that MRE's are bad.....just don't like the meal choises, I like to keep it plain and simple.
Please take a moment to read the nutritional values. A days worth of calories, and a weeks worth of sodium.
I believe MRE's were made originally to sustain a soldier for an entire day in a combat environment, with a single meal. Probably why calories or so high. Probably aren't suitable meals for me while I'm at home sitting on the coach watching a John Wayne marathon.
when i was in middle school a buddy of mines dad bought a :dung: ton of those things along with about 10 2 1/2 ton trucks at a military surplus auction. we ate em everyday during the summer and camped out. the fun part was driving the trucks around their property raising hell.
Oh and I thought this would be a thread about dutch oven cooking, sorry
I will be remembering that last post when this weekend I will have a dutch oven with a beef cowboy stew on the tripod over the fire, a loaf of sourdough bread cooking in one dutch oven and apple baked beans in another. My buddies are going to be making a peach cobbler in a dutch oven for desert and we will toast to man food as we sit down to eat, oh, did I mention that in the mornings we will be having Daves famous Breakfast, a hashbrown meat vegetable style scramble baked in a dutch oven with 3 kinds of sausage and bacon and that after the after dinner libations are over the stew is a finishing round soaking up a fresh batch of biscuits baked in dutch ovens.
But I will concede that maybe we will be missing something:wasted::dunno::rolleyes:
Cans- lots of cans. Beans, soup, chili, sketti-o's. No refrigeration, all u need is a fire to toss em in and a stick to get em out. Falls out of the jeep down a cliff? No problem, mebbe a dent. Need somethin sharp to skin the rodent you ran over? lids are sharp as s#it. Need a wheel chock, weapon, patch metal? get ol' chunky from under the seat. The possibilities are endless.:D
Please take a moment to read the nutritional values. A days worth of calories, and a weeks worth of sodium.

A daily meal list for me when I was over in the sand: :eek:
Lunch and 3 ham sandwiches

I ate this everyday, not to mention the gallons of Mango gatorade/tang?
I forget which but wish I could still find it, mmmmmm...........
Cans- lots of cans. Beans, soup, chili, sketti-o's. No refrigeration, all u need is a fire to toss em in and a stick to get em out. Falls out of the jeep down a cliff? No problem, mebbe a dent. Need somethin sharp to skin the rodent you ran over? lids are sharp as s#it. Need a wheel chock, weapon, patch metal? get ol' chunky from under the seat. The possibilities are endless.:D
Post of the year
A daily meal list for me when I was over in the sand: :eek:
Lunch and 3 ham sandwiches

I ate this everyday, not to mention the gallons of Mango gatorade/tang?
I forget which but wish I could still find it, mmmmmm...........

But you were very active over there, therefore burned more calories.
Cans- lots of cans. Beans, soup, chili, sketti-o's. No refrigeration, all u need is a fire to toss em in and a stick to get em out. Falls out of the jeep down a cliff? No problem, mebbe a dent. Need somethin sharp to skin the rodent you ran over? lids are sharp as s#it. Need a wheel chock, weapon, patch metal? get ol' chunky from under the seat. The possibilities are endless.:D

Should be noted to open the lid before putting in fire.
Otherwise goes BOOM! :eek:
Should be noted to open the lid before putting in fire.
Otherwise goes BOOM! :eek:

That is why I like the pull top cans- built in pressure relief valve :p
mmmmm me man me want man food. but damn that sounds pretty good baja. im with buushman though, to damn lazy to do much more than sit a can on the coals, that is if i even build a fire. oh who am i kiddin you gotta build a fire every chance you get
Cans- lots of cans. Beans, soup, chili, sketti-o's. No refrigeration, all u need is a fire to toss em in and a stick to get em out. Falls out of the jeep down a cliff? No problem, mebbe a dent. Need somethin sharp to skin the rodent you ran over? lids are sharp as s#it. Need a wheel chock, weapon, patch metal? get ol' chunky from under the seat. The possibilities are endless.:D

Love the can!
Don't forget Spam.
National food of Hawaii i think.
You live in Maui right Buuushman? True?
No utencils needed other than a forked stick.
Cooked over a fire, crispy on the outside, tender,& juicy on the inside. :drool:
Of course you could always just set the can on the exhaust manifold too.
I'm hungry. :D
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Love the can!
Don't forget Spam.
National food of Hawaii i think.
You live in Maui right Buuushman? True?
No utencils needed other than a forked stick.
Cooked over a fire, crispy on the outside, tender,& juicy on the inside. :drool:
Of course you could always just set the can on the exhaust manifold too.
I'm hungry. :D
Yep- spam is everywhere out here- potted meat is not on my list of favorites but if it grew on trees you'd be bonkin' yer head on cans in every Hawaiian yard.

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