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Can't remove skid plate

Can't remove skid plate


'78 CJ5 304, '94 ZJ 5.2L 4x4 , '04 WJ 4.7L 4x4
I need some help, I'm trying to replace my worn out clutch and flywheel, but I can't lower the Transmission . It's all attached to the skid plate and I can't figure out how to detach the plate from the Transmission . I unbolted the plate from the frame, and got one of the bolts off of the Transmission , but there are two that are just spinning in place, and I can't find the bolt head on the other side of the plate to grip with a wrench while I turn the other end. I'm stuck, and short on time.

It's not helping that the genious that owned the jeep before me didn't use the same bolts as before. There's 3 different sizes under there.

While I'm not familiar with your year CJ, I would expect that the skid/Transmission mount system is similar if not the same as an 85.

Three bolts/nuts sticking through the skid. Two are from the Transmission mount, one is for the torque arm stud.

On the center two (if they are nuts and not bolts) there is no other end to get a wrench on. It's a stud threaded into the Transmission mount. Your only option would be to cut them off. Use a nut cracker, dremmal cut off wheel, what ever you have available.

Make sure you have the engine supported, and the skid plate either bolted back up to the frame or supported with something, it's NOT light.

Brock G's fix may seem appealing if you are short on time and will work, but you probably have a worn out Transmission mount bushing (and engine mounts) that you might as well replace now, as opposed to going through the same problem again when you find you have no choice.

I have enough trouble stabbing the Transmission back in without the skid and Transfer Case attached. Can't imagine doing it with the skid attached.

Here's what the 85 mounting looks like.

I have done mine many times, there is enough from from the rear to get a wreng on the stud flats (large nut at the bottom of the above poic and the top nut. It will come off that way.
I pulled mine as one piece, then removed the Transmission and Transfer Case from the skid.
Rebuilt both, reinstalled them on the skid then installed it as one unit.
I used an ATV jack, but have used a regular floor jack in the past.
But you gota be strong, LOL. I've done this by myself, but recommend a friend help.
So if you take out the skid plate the tranny will fall? Have an 85 and need to do some frame repair but the skid plate is in the way
So if you take out the skid plate the tranny will fall? Have an 85 and need to do some frame repair but the skid plate is in the way

Skidplate is attatched to cross member. If the crossmember 4 bolts are removed yes the tranny could fall and even if it doesnt it will put way too much stress on the input shaft/ bellhouaing if left hanging.

Youll want a jack holding the tranny /t case up while you remove the cross member.
From what I have read I think the PO did you wrong
but then we have a thread around here called, The PO did What, or something like that.
It is filled with stories about what we have found PO's have done.
This is a classic case of some idiot just doing "Whatever it took" instead of doing what was correct. Unfortunately CJs have always been in the secondary vehicle category and Maintenance has always been secondary also. And that shows up in the storied we hear about stuff like this.
So if you take out the skid plate the tranny will fall? Have an 85 and need to do some frame repair but the skid plate is in the way

Yes it will fall.:eek:
I take a ratchet strap through the floor and hold up the Transmission and transfer.
for my own curiosity, what Transmission ?:cool:

I have found that a jack under the bell housing will hold it up while you pull the Transmission /TC.
Once again we can discuss which is best, TC first and then the Transmission or take the whole thing down as one piece.
I like mine in two bites, but I'm a grey haired old fat guy who's Transmission /TC wrestling days are behind him.
If you take it off and are handy in fabrication you can di what I did on my son's 77 CJ5 . I built a Transmission cross brace out of 1x2 rectangular tubing and bolted the Transmission to that. The pout the skid plate to the frame. Keep in mind we needed a 1" spacer due to a lift.
So if you take out the skid plate the tranny will fall? Have an 85 and need to do some frame repair but the skid plate is in the way

You can get 99.9% of bolts off like that by spraying and letting it sit a little while. Then putting a flat head screwdriver between the bolt and plate or whatever and prying down while using the other hand to ratchet it loose. Sometimes you need to try several different thickenesses of screwdriver, open end wrench or pry bar if needed, but it only takes minutes. :chug:
for my own curiosity, what Transmission ?:cool:

I have found that a jack under the bell housing will hold it up while you pull the Transmission /TC.
Once again we can discuss which is best, TC first and then the Transmission or take the whole thing down as one piece.
I like mine in two bites, but I'm a grey haired old fat guy who's Transmission /TC wrestling days are behind him.

I put a jack stand under the back end of the oil pan with scrap piece of 2 x 4 or 2 x 6 on top of the jack to spread out the load on the pan then pull the skid plate.

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