CJ-7 Lift Questions
Hello everybody. I stumbled across this forum as I was researching information. I am helping out a friend. She is looking to buy as 77 CJ7 . She wants to pay me to install a lift and tires on it. I was looking at the BDS kit (Here). Here is my questions. How difficult is this to install on a garage floor with mostly jack and hand tools? I am a diesel mechanic by trade and have worked on everything else. I have never installed a lift though. If I installed that what other issues could I possibly run in to? Like say the driveline angle, steering angles, brake lines too short and such. What tires would that fit without fender modifications? I thought I read it could fit 33"s somewhere but I can not find it now.
Thank you for your time in reading this. If this works I may post pictures so yall can witness my mistakes.
Thank you for your time in reading this. If this works I may post pictures so yall can witness my mistakes.