CJ One - Reagan's 1983 CJ-8 Scrambler & 1962 Jeep CJ-6
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CJ One - Reagan's 1983 CJ8 Scrambler & 1962 Jeep CJ6
A Pair Of Presidential Jeeps
Ronald Reagan was a lot of things to a lot of people: a lifeguard credited with saving 77 people, sporting goods salesman, college football player, U.S. Cavalry officer, Hollywood actor, television spokesman, California governor, and the 40th President of the United States. Like a character plucked from the old west, his down-to-earth sensibilities, strong values, and no-nonsense attitude marked him a charismatic leader who gave hope to a country at a time it needed hope and, it can be argued, helped our side win the Cold War. But we're not here to recount the history of Reagan. That's been done by far more eloquent and learned writers than us. Rather, we're here to share a rare opportunity we had to visit Reagan's self-described little piece of heaven and get up close and personal with his two ranch Jeeps.inline_mediumwraptextright28481323/featuredvehicles/154_1005_ronald_reagans_1983_cj8_scrambler_1962_jeep_cj6154_1005_01+reagans_1983_cj8_scrambler_1962_jeep_cj6+reagan_with_his_scrambler.jpgTrue
Photo Gallery: Ronald Reagan's 1983 CJ-8 Scrambler & 1962 Jeep CJ-6 - Jp Magazine
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A Pair Of Presidential Jeeps
Ronald Reagan was a lot of things to a lot of people: a lifeguard credited with saving 77 people, sporting goods salesman, college football player, U.S. Cavalry officer, Hollywood actor, television spokesman, California governor, and the 40th President of the United States. Like a character plucked from the old west, his down-to-earth sensibilities, strong values, and no-nonsense attitude marked him a charismatic leader who gave hope to a country at a time it needed hope and, it can be argued, helped our side win the Cold War. But we're not here to recount the history of Reagan. That's been done by far more eloquent and learned writers than us. Rather, we're here to share a rare opportunity we had to visit Reagan's self-described little piece of heaven and get up close and personal with his two ranch Jeeps.inline_mediumwraptextright28481323/featuredvehicles/154_1005_ronald_reagans_1983_cj8_scrambler_1962_jeep_cj6154_1005_01+reagans_1983_cj8_scrambler_1962_jeep_cj6+reagan_with_his_scrambler.jpgTrue
Photo Gallery: Ronald Reagan's 1983 CJ-8 Scrambler & 1962 Jeep CJ-6 - Jp Magazine
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