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Coil question

Coil question

Al Lindner

Richmond VA
1980 CJ 7 258 CID T176
2004 F-150
My coil doesnt have a shoe that slides over the Pos and neg posts so it would be possible to hook it up backwards. My question is What would happen if you (meaning ME) did this and tried to crank the engine? Hopefully the universe will not Implode
I think it will just not start but here is a pic of mine hope it helps.
:chug:Thanks man. I assumed that red was the positive BUT the harness is SO butchered its hard to tell. I just finished installing a remanufactured engine Tried to crank it today wont start might just be out of gas its been sitting for about a year and a half think I'll splash a little gas down in the carb in the morning and see if she'll fire if not I guess I'll start checking spark.
If you hook up the coil wires backwards, the universe won't "implode"....:)

One of the posts is obviously for the hot wire/power supply, and the other post is for the wire that allows the current to flow through the coil and provides a ground. When the continuity to this wire is interrupted via a switching device such as an ECM, power transistor, etc., the high voltage spark is produced that goes to the distributor. If you hook them up backwards, the worst thing that happens, is that you are walking, until you switch them back.:D

I actually hooked them up backwards, way way back in high school auto shop, then had to endure the teacher yelling at me for several minutes....lol!
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