Confession time

Confession time


Senior Jeeper
Ground up YJ.

Looking to get a CJ
Rant ON.........:mad:

I have to confess. Like many folks I use a different screen name for different forums. On some forums I can be a real butthead.

Since I have a YJ. My focus is naturally the YJ section(s).

What seems to be happening is that YJ`s have deprecated enough that the younger folks can now afford them. So these young folks go and buy what is at best, a 15-16 year old vehicle. A vehicle that has likely been ridden hard and put away wet. Often, these folks approach the purchase with what seems to be no common sense.

These other 4x4 forums can have a lot of good information in them. But you have to wade through the same basic, no brains questions that are asked time and time again.

Spelling and grammar are often so bad that it is hard to read. It is scary to think that some of these folks are "entering" the workforce.

With all the modern technology available today. Why can`t an individual simply do a basic fundamental, help yourself thing called, a search ?

Granted we all have to learn somewhere/time but some of these questions are ridiculous.

'My mechinac installed a new alternator. Is it normal for it to catch on fire"

Is it me, or are we entering a new generation that cannot think for themselves ? Are basic skills and common sense so far out as to be considered old fashion ?

Rant OFF :D

Nice thing about is the audience seems to be a lot more mature.

They understand that they have a vehicle that is older and expect issues and problems. Membership here is like being in a big family. They all try to help each other out. Good questions are the norm. And good answers are the rule.

Each of us share a passion and are more then willing to spread that passion.

What a refreshing change.

Sorry but I had to get this off my chest.
Well said. And totally agree with you John :cool:
Unfortunately what you are seeing is just a small snippet of what our society has become. A bunch of self entitled whiners, that want everything now, without having to work for it, or god forbid, do it themselves.

I’m 31 years old, just old enough not to be wet behind the ears anymore. I was however raised primarily by my Grandfather, a man that grew up through the depression and served his country in WWII. He taught me the value of hard work, and was absolutely not afraid to put a boot in my rear end if I was being lazy, or if I was stupid enough to mouth off to him. I paid $200 for my first car, a 1980 Oldsmobile Delta 88 coupe, which needed a new timing chain and gears, camshaft and lifters before it would run right. And you know who did all that work, that’s right me. My dad or granddad would stop in and make sure that I wasn’t screwing it all up, but it was my car, therefore it was my responsibility to make it run.

I just don’t think values like that are instilled on most kids today, most of them are given whatever they want, whenever they want it, because gawd forbid your child not like you… Or you have to discipline your child, what right is it of yours to tell them what to do…

Anyway, off my soapbox.

I also think that's what makes this such a great place, mature adualts who choose to own this particular type of vehicle, not because it's trendy to own a Jeep, but because they have a true passion for it for keeping these wonderful vehicles on (and off) the road, and to help others in their quest to do the same. The awesome part is that shows every day here. So, thank you to all of the awesome members here :notworthy:
Unfortunately what you are seeing is just a small snippet of what our society has become. A bunch of self entitled whiners, that want everything now, without having to work for it, or god forbid, do it themselves.

I’m 31 years old, just old enough not to be wet behind the ears anymore. I was however raised primarily by my Grandfather, a man that grew up through the depression and served his country in WWII. He taught me the value of hard work, and was absolutely not afraid to put a boot in my rear end if I was being lazy, or if I was stupid enough to mouth off to him. I paid $200 for my first car, a 1980 Oldsmobile Delta 88 coupe, which needed a new timing chain and gears, camshaft and lifters before it would run right. And you know who did all that work, that’s right me. My dad or granddad would stop in and make sure that I wasn’t screwing it all up, but it was my car, therefore it was my responsibility to make it run.

I just don’t think values like that are instilled on most kids today, most of them are given whatever they want, whenever they want it, because gawd forbid your child not like you… Or you have to discipline your child, what right is it of yours to tell them what to do…

Anyway, off my soapbox.

I also think that's what makes this such a great place, mature adualts who choose to own this particular type of vehicle, not because it's trendy to own a Jeep, but because they have a true passion for it for keeping these wonderful vehicles on (and off) the road, and to help others in their quest to do the same. The awesome part is that shows every day here. So, thank you to all of the awesome members here :notworthy:

Nick, and you did it without an internet forum holding your hand ? :eek: Maybe you cheated and went to the library and checked out a big BOOK that had a few written words and a couple pictures ? :chug:

Please don`t take this as sarcasm. It just shows how when we need to. We can actually think for ourselves. Something that seems sadly lost in today's world.
This is a great thread :chug:
What's a YJ??????

Just Kidding ya John, you of all people know there is one in my driveway as well.

One of the things that TJ has told me he likes is that he has had the opportunity to work on vehicles with me. That way, he can learn how to work on them himself, and be able to take care of them.

He has done most of the work on his rig himself, with my assistance and guidance, but his work.

Hopefully, it will reflect in his life in the future with some good values.
What's a YJ??????
Just Kidding ya John, you of all people know there is one in my driveway as well.

One of the things that TJ has told me he likes is that he has had the opportunity to work on vehicles with me. That way, he can learn how to work on them himself, and be able to take care of them.

He has done most of the work on his rig himself, with my assistance and guidance, but his work.

Hopefully, it will reflect in his life in the future with some good values.

with all the dedication you have provided via scouting, teaching and being a role model dad. You should`nt have any worries. :chug:

Only scary part is that you helped and guided him on when he worked on his YJ. :p
We did do a lot thru Scouts and also in family travel/vacations. Both the kids have been to both the Northernmost and Southernmost Points in the US (in the same year actually). They now have a love of the outdoors, and most vacations are spent visiting National Parks and points of interest, rather than manmade spots (Like theme parks)

I do think that kids, like we did, have more [FONT=&quot]appreciation for vehicles if they work on them themselves. The kids who get everything handed to them seem to have a tendency to just treat things as disposable.

I saw a story on TV last night. They are now announcing that tests show, students aren't learning much in college. On one hand, we have some really smart people, developing software and profitable web sites. On the other hand, the majority have no skills that will make them money.
My dad made me save up and when I was old enough I purchased my first truck. I learned to work on thru a stack oh chiltons manuals that seemed to show up just when I needed them. The old man gave minimal help and let me learn the hard way.
I can fix anything and if I can't then it can't be fixed.
I'm teaching my soon to be 5yr old to be his own man, to take a stand and keep his word. He'll learn the way I did, and pay his own way. If more young people had to pay their own way maybe they'd give a :dung: today!
Maybe there would be less violence. And maybe god forbid a parent actually take responsibility and teach/discipline a child with out fear of being locked up for being strict!
Brock it's great to hear that you were brought up with respect, & are passing it down. I'm doing my best to teach as i was taught. Time will tell.

It seems that entitlement is rampant among our society.
What are we to expect from our children when they watch, & see how some people act. People that are held in high regard acting more like spoiled rotten kids.

They say:
It takes a village to raise a child.
Well lets keep the village idiot away from our children.
Or maybe the child should learn by watching the idiot in action.

These things worry me.
I also use idiots as a teaching tool pointing out why or how they got that way!
Rant ON.........:mad:

I have to confess. Like many folks I use a different screen name for different forums. On some forums I can be a real butthead.

Since I have a YJ. My focus is naturally the YJ section(s).

What seems to be happening is that YJ`s have deprecated enough that the younger folks can now afford them. So these young folks go and buy what is at best, a 15-16 year old vehicle. A vehicle that has likely been ridden hard and put away wet. Often, these folks approach the purchase with what seems to be no common sense.

These other 4x4 forums can have a lot of good information in them. But you have to wade through the same basic, no brains questions that are asked time and time again.

Spelling and grammar are often so bad that it is hard to read. It is scary to think that some of these folks are "entering" the workforce.

With all the modern technology available today. Why can`t an individual simply do a basic fundamental, help yourself thing called, a search ?

Granted we all have to learn somewhere/time but some of these questions are ridiculous.

'My mechinac installed a new alternator. Is it normal for it to catch on fire"

Is it me, or are we entering a new generation that cannot think for themselves ? Are basic skills and common sense so far out as to be considered old fashion ?

Rant OFF :D

Nice thing about is the audience seems to be a lot more mature.

They understand that they have a vehicle that is older and expect issues and problems. Membership here is like being in a big family. They all try to help each other out. Good questions are the norm. And good answers are the rule.

Each of us share a passion and are more then willing to spread that passion.

What a refreshing change.

Sorry but I had to get this off my chest.

I agree with all you had to rant on,except with how this statement was put,"My mechinac installed a new alternator. Is it normal for it to catch on fire"

It should have read:
Ma macanik instalt a nu alltinatar is it normil for it 2 ketch on far?

Just wanting to keep it real!:D
I agree with all you had to rant on,except with how this statement was put,"My mechinac installed a new alternator. Is it normal for it to catch on fire"

It should have read:
Ma macanik instalt a nu alltinatar is it normil for it 2 ketch on far?

Just wanting to keep it real!:D

I agree with all you had to rant on,except with how this statement was put,"My mechinac installed a new alternator. Is it normal for it to catch on fire"

It should have read:
Ma macanik instalt a nu alltinatar is it normil for it 2 ketch on far?

Just wanting to keep it real!:D
Hey whoa that sounds like an insult to the south more than an idiot. Im offended. roflmao

Sent from my DROID2
Been an entertaining weekend.

how much will walmart or whatever charge for a good tune up? i don't wanna do it, it's to cold outside, and i am lazy. so how much for a good tune up

16 y.o kid from Kentucky.

how in the world do you get tail light cover off to change the bulb on a yj?

39 y.o. from Texas

Please understand. Not trying to bash anyone. But come-on, some people are this helpless when it comes to things ?

Not to mention the words written. No capitalization, poor structure and grammar

Have us "older" folks failed this badly in educating our younger generation(s) ? Or are the younger generations clearly this ignorant ?

Perhaps it is a "Jeep" thing that draws folks of this caliber ? Am I looking at things with blinders on ? Or is mentality like this rampant ?
Been an entertaining weekend.

how much will walmart or whatever charge for a good tune up? i don't wanna do it, it's to cold outside, and i am lazy. so how much for a good tune up

16 y.o kid from Kentucky.

how in the world do you get tail light cover off to change the bulb on a yj?

39 y.o. from Texas

Please understand. Not trying to bash anyone. But come-on, some people are this helpless when it comes to things ?

Not to mention the words written. No capitalization, poor structure and grammar

Have us "older" folks failed this badly in educating our younger generation(s) ? Or are the younger generations clearly this ignorant ?

Perhaps it is a "Jeep" thing that draws folks of this caliber ? Am I looking at things with blinders on ? Or is mentality like this rampant ?

Unfortunately,I'm afraid it's becoming more the norm,I think IMing and texting is just compounding the problem.Just remember,this is the generation that will be caring for you in your old age!:eek: It used to be only the doctor's writing was impossible to read!:D

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