Doomsday Survival!

Doomsday Survival!


Old Time Jeeper
Peoria, AZ
83' CJ7-35's, granny T18, clocked, locked, 456s, D30 20 trussed- stitched-heim traction-1 piece shafts, CV dshaft, quick discos, xtended shock mounts, SOA, revolvers rear, braided lines, herculined, hand throttle, AMC saddle bags, rebuilt 258, D300.
Are you a prepper? What have you prepared for and how long can you get by?
while I don't think it will end in dec. I do think the human race will do itself in someday.:mad:
My only prep. is a couple thousand rounds of ammo.:biggun:
Agree with Old Dog. Not much in the way of 'prepping'. Normally keep about a months worth of food and water on hand at the house, just the way the wife shops.
Have a generator anyway due to the fact the area I am in has occasional power outages. Guess you could say i have gas stored up since we own about 8 vehicles with an average of 25 gallons each, plus extra fuel cans for the Jeep, truck and on the trailer.

As for preppers, I work with a couple hard core end-of-the-world, Zombie timers. They actually carry BOB's at work. One asked me what my plan at work was for the Zombie invasion, told him was just going to slap him silly and take his stuff. Hasn't talked to me since. :D

I think the only thing that is going to happen in 2012 is the folks making the prep supplies are going to be able to retire early.
Country boys will survive. :shooter:
CJ007, you have been watching that Preppers show, havent you? I have watched it a few times. No, I dont have a years worth of food, ammo, gas nor do I have a shelter. When the day comes, I will take it as it comes. I do have a couple of bottles of rum and always have Dr Pepper in the house.

I have powdered milk, canned goods, bottled water, and meat in the freezer and charcoal to cook. I also have a propane stove. I am not going to go to extremes like the people on the show though.
CJ007, you have been watching that Preppers show, havent you? I have watched it a few times. No, I dont have a years worth of food, ammo, gas nor do I have a shelter. When the day comes, I will take it as it comes. I do have a couple of bottles of rum and always have Dr Pepper in the house.

I have powdered milk, canned goods, bottled water, and meat in the freezer and charcoal to cook. I also have a propane stove. I am not going to go to extremes like the people on the show though.

I have seen it a couple times :), I saw one and thought it was funny to see them practice clearing halls like it will be a burgular in the night. If SHTF I imagine there will be hoardes of people breaking down the doors. As mentioned, they are showing everyone everything.

I live suburban but in a big metro area, I will be packing my bags and taking the backroads up North if something happened. I have some family there.

And Wow! Powdered milk brings back some memories as a kid!
I have used powdered milk when we go camping. Its easier than trying to keep a gallon cold. And when cooking, there is no difference. I cannot use it on a bowl of cereal...YUCK!

Puuting some ifs in place, and I had to leave, I could have my minivan packed for whatever, (6 kids, 2 adults-clothes, food, neccessities) in less than an hour. I have 3 boys over 11, and they can move quick enough, and they can help with the younger ones and with carrying out. I have a shell for the top of the minivan, and the clothes go up there, pillows ride on laps, blankets at feet on top of the shallow plastic storage containers, and the big ones go in back. Cooler and other big containers go behind the front seats. Medicine, medic kit, important papers (ss cards, birth certificates) will be in the safe and it goes between the front seats. Tents, tarps, tools and such will be strapped down to the top of the van.

See, I have a plan. I just dont have to have 500 cans of corn or spaghetti sauce.

We have camped for a week with the tents and stuff. The only difference is packing extra food. If we have to evacuate, we would also take his truck, so I could load up whatever doesnt fit into the back of it. It can be done.

One of our friends is pushing us to get stuff, ok. He has his stuff ready. Including enough water to last 6 months.

I do need to buy bar soap and panty hose. You cut the legs off the hose (yes, thigh highs would save trouble) put soap in it, and hang from a tree near a bowl of water for washing.

I am not a nature kind of person. I have been stocking up on misquito spray, sunscreen, peroxide, bandaids and rubbing alcohol but I was stocking up for the summer...I have 6 kids.
At my age if we have a doomsday I say goodby to this screwed up place. :chug:
In SoCal
reason to prep is earthquakes
so I keep 3 months of food in those prepper packages, yea 3 months ia a long time for an earthquake, just call me crazy, figure if we do have a melt down I am ahead of the game
I have 2 bug out bags, but they actually are hiking bags that I keep set up incase of an earthquake and we have to walk somewhere.
I keep a 45 ACP and 250 rounds, 5 clips, handy
A 22 LR rifle and 1000 rounds ( I figure I do not want much of a muzzle signature if I have to use a rifle and how long would you have to use one anyway
a 410 for the wife with slugs about 30 rounds
2 12 gauges for me with slugs and double O, about 200 rounds
and quite a few fixed blade knifes
I also have taught the wife how to hack the :dung: out of stuff with a machete, I keep one in each jeep and 2 in the house, I figure the shock value of those alone is worth it
and I have a few months supplies of vodka and wine.

I figure I am prepped for a earthquake, and if something else big does happen I figure I am locked in by the deserts so why leave? it will take a week for the violence to begin and then it is a matter of everyone for themselves, guys are going to go for the easy targets. I do not plan on being one. If things last more than 3 months there really is little hope for us here in SoCal, like I said we are locked in by deserts so why bother to plan for longer.
I have used powdered milk when we go camping. I cannot use it on a bowl of cereal...YUCK!

I have 6 kids.

I grew up with 5 brothers-six kids. And we had no choice but to use powdered milk on cereal :D, that was my memory on that stuff! Might as well use water

In SoCal
A 22 LR rifle and 1000 rounds ( I figure I do not want much of a muzzle signature if I have to use a rifle and how long would you have to use one anyway
I also have taught the wife how to hack the :dung: out of stuff with a machete, I keep one in each jeep and 2 in the house, I figure the shock value of those alone is worth it

and I have a few months supplies of vodka and wine.

You sound prepped for more than earthquakes! The .22 is invaluable and the machete as well. I just went down to harbor freight to pick up another one as I lost mine a couple trips ago and miss it, they are very handy and do have a cool factor.

I am kinds screwed on the alcohol, I pretty much just drink beer and it would leave no room for taking anything else! :chug:
ive got enough guns and ammo to get me some place i can live off the land.
and enough reloading equipment to last for a while.
this is pretty much what I have in mind too. Of course the whole thing depends on how long I can last after my meds run out.:D

My plan is the same now as it was for Y2K: Identify the stock-pilers so that I can just whack them and take their stuff. Easier, cheaper, quicker...
I do think the human race will do itself in someday.:mad:

The libs and lawyers have us well on our way. It's just a matter of time. Just look at how they jumped at the chance to create mayhem for the "occupy wall street" riots around the country. They only need the opportunity, not the reason.

I prepared by burying 38 inter-connected hardtop scramblers and some tarps. I encased them in POR-15 and then covered them with dirt!!:p
At my age if we have a doomsday I say goodby to this screwed up place. :chug:
I think you are hiding a stash mtnwhlr:D You know this would be a time you feel the most alive, purpose man!

My plan is the same now as it was for Y2K: Identify the stock-pilers so that I can just whack them and take their stuff. Easier, cheaper, quicker...

I will keep my Jeep wave rules in place, but instead I will try not to take from other Jeepers, but will take from other type of Jeepers before CJ Jeepers :laugh:

this is pretty much what I have in mind too. Of course the whole thing depends on how long I can last after my meds run out.:D

IO, we need to have a contingency plan, if all hell starts breaking loose post up your meds and me and some others will stop by some Pharmacies on the way out of town. :biggun:
Seriously though. Am I a prepper as portrayed on TV? No. But all throughout my life several "motto's" have been lived by and one is "Always be prepared". Yes it may have came from the Boy Scouts originally and then enforced by the Marine Corps, but I've always been a forward thinker.
So no I don't stockpile food but I do have a couple weeks worth. And being an avid hunter, fisherman, camper, and general woodsman type, I have plenty of gear for self sustainment (is that a word?) and being a firearms dealer for about 18 years I've got weapons and ammo covered as well. Could I do more, certainly, and I most likely will over time.
I do think we will have a massive upheaval of life as we currently know it, but how far away I don't know. It will happen sooner if this current guy were to get re-elected by our gullible voting public that live in a fantasy world. I think our "upheaval" will be something along the lines of the awesome tv show "Jericho" in which terrorist cells will attack us on US soils in large cities. And us backwoods hick redneck types who never got away from nature will have the upper hand.
Country boys will survive. :shooter:
Yes they will!!!
Our doomsday protection plan is a 30-30,
12 gauge,
16 gauge,
2-semi auto .22s
and .44 mag. We already have plans with our neigbor for what we are going to do. There are plenty of animals around here for food, plus we have our own farm.

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