Double Duty
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Double Duty
Building a truck to handle both your daily commute and your off-road hobby can be a real challenge. From knobby tires to winch bumpers and everything in between, there is always that constant balance of need versus want, and it inevitably leads to compromise. It's tough enough when you destroy your rig on the trail, but when that same set of wheels must get you to the office on Monday, you can find yourself in a real bind. Hey, we're all for cycling, carpools, and saving the environment, but when you have to get a ride with your significant other because the doors on your truck no longer open, then it might be time to rethink your truck's double-duty status.
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Building a truck to handle both your daily commute and your off-road hobby can be a real challenge. From knobby tires to winch bumpers and everything in between, there is always that constant balance of need versus want, and it inevitably leads to compromise. It's tough enough when you destroy your rig on the trail, but when that same set of wheels must get you to the office on Monday, you can find yourself in a real bind. Hey, we're all for cycling, carpools, and saving the environment, but when you have to get a ride with your significant other because the doors on your truck no longer open, then it might be time to rethink your truck's double-duty status.
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