Galvanized Frame Experience?

Galvanized Frame Experience?


Hudson Valley, NY
1981 CJ-5, currently stock 258/3spd;
1997 F-250 SCSB PSD 5spd 410's D60 front 35's;
2012 Rubicon 6spd stock;
Does anyone out there have any long term experience or war stories regarding a frame up build that included hot-dip galvanizing of the frame?

I live in the rust belt and have also dreamed of cruising the beach in my CJ5 , so my rebuild plans have always included hot-dipping the frame to get some protection on the inside of the rail boxes.

Is it worth the effort and expense? I'm guessing it will cost a few hundred bucks.

Any words of warning for the prep work other than putting studs in any tapped holes?

Make sure that everything that you want welded to the frame is welded to the frame before dipping. Welding on galvanized metal is a little dangerous from a toxic fume stand point. Not saying it can’t be done but…… it’s best done before.
Does anyone out there have any long term experience or war stories regarding a frame up build that included hot-dip galvanizing of the frame?

Is it worth the effort and expense? I'm guessing it will cost a few hundred bucks.

Any words of warning for the prep work other than putting studs in any tapped holes?


I offer here just one data point: I have a welded steel balcony that was installed here on the MS Gulf Coast just before Katrina, mid-2006. It was hot-dip galvanized and inserted through and onto a light color stucco wall.

With all the rain, sea mist and fog, and temp-change sweating stuff around here goes through, there isn't a single rust spot on the ironwork, nor has there been even a suggestion of stain where rainwater pours down the stucco. It was painted black with Rustoleum.

My '80 CJ7 frame is POR'ed, and several young POs before me have taken it mud-running a bunch of times..... no rust, even where the goo has filled the inside of the frame.

I like your idea!
Thanks for the feedback! Yes, welding with the zinc coating is something to be careful about and it's good to hear that HDG stands up to salt spray like it should.

Any beach runners out there with longevity reports?
Make sure that everything that you want welded to the frame is welded to the frame before dipping. Welding on galvanized metal is a little dangerous from a toxic fume stand point. Not saying it can’t be done but…… it’s best done before.

Welding galvanized is done in many shops. Don't inhale. Culvert shops mainly weld on galvanized steel. It Is a little tricky, but not hard.

My Hot dipped dock (fresh water) is over 30 years with no rust.

The going rate around here is $.25 per pound.
The Landrover restoration crowd likes galvanized frames. You might want to lurk around thier forums for info. I guess a galvanized frame coupled with aluminum body is pretty rust proof. Maybe thats why they say 9 out of 10 Landrovers are still on the road today... (and the other one made it home;)) :D

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