Gettin it started

Gettin it started


1984 CJ7 i6
New here, but I am finally getting around to getting my 1984 CJ up and running, so I know I am going to be here pretty frequently.

So here is my problem. I have a jeep that used to run pretty well. I failed inspection for some brake issues, and let it sit for a while (1.5-2yrs). Now I am getting around to getting it fixed up. But now it wont start!

Step 1. I drained the gas and put a little bit of new in with some mystery oil stuff.

Step 2. I did an oil change.

Step 3 I used some quick start spray in the carb.

Now I get it to turn over, but not easily. It went though a bunch of backfires, but it is sounding better. It wont stay running though. It just dies out after about 3 secs.

Any thoughts?

I think my next step is going to be fuel filter.
Sounds like it is running on the starting fluid and once it burns up the engine quits. With that in mind, I would suspect the fuel system since obviously the ignition system is allowing it to start.

1. Did you put enough gas in the tank? If you drained it all and you only put in say a gallon, perhaps it is not enough for the system to pickup and deliver fuel to the carb.

2. Assuming you put enough gas in the tank, what is the additive you added and did you follow the directions? In other words, was there enough gas that the ratio of gas to additive is correct?

3. If you remove the air cleaner and work the throttle by hand briskly, can u see a small stream of gasoline when u peer into the carb?

Having just went through something similar after a carb rebuild with old gas in the system... Are you sure you are getting fresh gas to the carb? There may still be enough old gas in the fuel lines to cause problems if they weren't blown out and of course the carb bowl could still be full of old gas. If there was alcohol in the fuel then everything could be gummed up as well.

First off, welcome:chug: Ok, back to the Jeep. I would add to whats already been suggested to take the fuel line off the carb and stick it into a cup or can and crank the starter for a few seconds(assuming its a manual pump still) and see if your getting good fuel flow.
Sounds like it is running on the starting fluid and once it burns up the engine quits. With that in mind, I would suspect the fuel system since obviously the ignition system is allowing it to start.

1. Did you put enough gas in the tank? If you drained it all and you only put in say a gallon, perhaps it is not enough for the system to pickup and deliver fuel to the carb.

2. Assuming you put enough gas in the tank, what is the additive you added and did you follow the directions? In other words, was there enough gas that the ratio of gas to additive is correct?

3. If you remove the air cleaner and work the throttle by hand briskly, can u see a small stream of gasoline when u peer into the carb?


Been there done that.

I would put a small amount of gas into a container I could feed directly into the carb once it started. You might be able to see the fuel coming in while you assist the engine run. Becareful and don't look/stand directly over the carb. It might help lead you in a direction to take.
Ok, so its not getting fuel!
I replaced the fuel filter and disconnected the fuel like from the pump to the carb and tried to start it. I had the fuel line running into a bottle. the bottle was empty even after it tried to crank over.

So the next step, replace the fuel pump.

I got the old one off, but cant get the new one to go in under the crankshaft.

Is there a way to get the engine to roll over and move that so I can get it in.

Note: In the process of all of this, I have somehow killed a brand new battery. Got to get that fully charged before I move on.

Thanks for all the help. This forum rocks.
You can turn the crankshaft with a socket on the bolt which holds the damper and crank pulley on the front of the engine. A breaker bar will make it easier or a short length of pipe placed over the end of the rachet. Be sure the Transmission is in neutral while doing this and the battery negative cable is removed for safety sakes.

Hope this helps you.

It's alive! Thanks for the help. It's running nice, now on to all of the other stuff I need to fix on it.

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