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Is the Jeep wave dying?

Is the Jeep wave dying?

elwood blues

Always Off-Roading Jeeper
Export, PA
1978 CJ7 4.2L Comp Cam & valve train, MC2100 carb, MSD ignition, Dana 30 front, T18 trans, Dana 20 txfr, AMC 20 rear.
I got the CJ out yesterday afternoon and decided to go for a cruise. It was so beautiful outside, no doors, just the bikini top (and that darn exhaust leak :mad:). I was out riding around for a good two or more hours.

The part that really frustrated me was that at least half of the other Jeeps I saw blatently ignored the wave. I saw one other CJ, big wave back, the rest were TJ's and JK's. Like I said more than half either didn't wave, or just stared like I was mentally challenged. So, is the Jeep wave dying off, are there too many egotistic a-holes that drive Jeeps that don't understand, or is it just because I live in New England and everyone is that way?
I never have a problem with another CJ owner or an (older) Cherokee or Wagoneer owner always giving me some sort of signal back when I give them a wave or an acknowledgment... The newer owners most of the time really don't understand the 'It's A Jeep Thing' mentality... I'm hoping that they will some day! :)
It seems like other CJ's and YJ's always wave, but TJ's maybe 70% and JK's maybe only 10%. I don't think the people buying the new jeeps are true Jeepers. It must be the coil springs or something.:confused: But I keep trying maybe some day they will get it.
As a side note it seems the newer Jeeps that are built are the one's that wave back. The socker moms look at you like you are stalking them.
The wave is kinda hit and miss here in our area too. The chances are better with other CJ owners, but it does significantly drop with the newer the jeep is
About 90+ % with CJ owners, MAYBE 50-60 % with YJ guys, TJ's....30 (ish) % or lower. New Jeep buyers just don't get it, so I have initiated the wave pyramid. I don't wave to a lesser Jeep untill they initiate it.
About 90+ % with CJ owners, MAYBE 50-60 % with YJ guys, TJ's....30 (ish) % or lower. New Jeep buyers just don't get it, so I have initiated the wave pyramid. I don't wave to a lesser Jeep untill they initiate it.
Thats pretty much what I do. I will wave to all the CJs, and any built up rig, Jeep or otherwise. Since I seem to have the biggest street-able CJ in the area, most of them will wave back.
I wave at'em all, just because they wasn't raised right doesn't mean I should do the same. Wave, I actually had a guy turn around and follow me into the gas station, and was like "Do I know you?" I said nope just passing along a tradition, he was like "What tradition?" I said jeep owners always wave at other jeeps, it's a thing we do.
That's why we have that camaraderie, it's the common bond and brotherhood that only a jeep brings. So pass it on!
He was like "Know I know" and carried on. I passed him today and he waved like a mad man, I waved and laughed!
Agree that it is dying due to the new Jeep owners not having a clue. Most of the new owners are buying an SUV/Mall wheeler, not a Jeep. And they certainly aren't buying the lifestyle. It is just a status thing.

See very few waves here in SE MI, but then new Jeeps are a dime a dozen here, may be because I live about 3 miles from Chrysler H.Q.

Do notice that the rigs that are built wave to each other, but other than that, most can't take their hand off the wheel to wave as their other hand is busy holding the cell phone. :D
Have they not learned how to use bluetooth or to stick the phone between their ear and shoulder? Hello? I can drive, talk on the phone, smoke and wave...

People arent as courteous these days. Even the guys on motorcycles dont wave to each other like they used to.
It started to go down hill with hardtops, but really sped up with coilsprings.:eek:
Now that it's summer, I think it's making a comeback in S.E. CT. Although, the new Jeep owners still have no idea. If it's lifted, dirty or a CJ, I always get a wave back.
Around here older guys in new jeeps wave so it is the young people and mall crawlers.
we have the oldest jeep in our small town but they all seem to wave. even the tjs and jks wave.
Maybe "small town" is the answer here. It seems the farther away from the city you get the better chance of people waving. Doesn't matter if you have a Jeep or not.
For those who don't know:
The Jeep Wave the definative guide!

The Jeep Wave: An honor bestowed upon those drivers with the superior intelligence, taste, class, and discomfort tolerance to own the ultimate vehicle - the Jeep. Generally consists of vigorous side-to-side motion of one or both hands, but may be modified to suit circumstances and locally accepted etiquette.
I'm on my third Jeep. First two were TJ's and wave returns with them were alright. However since I've owned the '86, waves returns have really increased from YJ's and TJ's. JK's for some reason do more of a double take instead of a wave. FSJ's have more of a confused glare like who's that moron. I've only spotted one other CJ on the road since I bought mine and that was a 3B and he enthusiastically waved first.

Is the wave dying? Not with the Pre-JK open bodied class.
I've only spotted one other CJ on the road since I bought mine and that was a 3B and he enthusiastically waved first.

Is the wave dying? Not with the Pre-JK open bodied class.

BLASPHEMY! A 3-B is an elder, and YOU should have initiated the wave!:eek:
BLASPHEMY! A 3-B is an elder, and YOU should have initiated the wave!:eek:


It was on a 30 mph two lane road near my home going in opposite directions and the sun was reflecting off his windshield and he almost went by me before I recognized the classic. We were close enough to do high speed high 5's. Had it not been for traffic flowing with us I would stopped.

Sure would like to know where he lives so I can salivate over his vehicle.:drool:
What gets me are the Suzuki and Geo tracker peeps that try to 'wave'... I never knew how to respond! Most of the time I just turned around and did a 'Bigfoot' on their butts! LOL! J/K

You all ever get a wave from a Jeep wana be? :)
What gets me are the Suzuki and Geo tracker peeps that try to 'wave'... I never knew how to respond! Most of the time I just turned around and did a 'Bigfoot' on their butts! LOL! J/K

You all ever get a wave from a Jeep wana be? :)

Kind of embarrassed to say that I really don't pay any attention to them. Guess from their side I look pretty conceded, however I don't mean to be. :o

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