January 2011 Dr. Vern
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January 2011 Dr. Vern
Packing and Moving a Jeep FanaticThis isn't meant as a challenge, but I don't think you could name many things more annoying than packing and moving. Fine, I'll list a few items, but for reference purposes only. There are garden-variety annoyances, such as rude drivers and reality TV. Step it up a notch and you've got medium-level annoyances like lawyers and country music. Even worse, you could have something like that leech that crawls in your ear while you're sleeping and feasts on your brain. So yeah, those things are all annoying, but moving is still up there on my list. It's bad enough for ordinary civilians, but what if you're a Jeep fanatic?
January 2011 Dr. Vern | Digg It | Add to del.icio.us
Packing and Moving a Jeep FanaticThis isn't meant as a challenge, but I don't think you could name many things more annoying than packing and moving. Fine, I'll list a few items, but for reference purposes only. There are garden-variety annoyances, such as rude drivers and reality TV. Step it up a notch and you've got medium-level annoyances like lawyers and country music. Even worse, you could have something like that leech that crawls in your ear while you're sleeping and feasts on your brain. So yeah, those things are all annoying, but moving is still up there on my list. It's bad enough for ordinary civilians, but what if you're a Jeep fanatic?
January 2011 Dr. Vern | Digg It | Add to del.icio.us