January 2012 Randy’s Electrical Corner
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January 2012 Randy’s Electrical Corner
Flaming River Automatic Batter Disconnect: Bad Battery BetterIf you are like a lot of Jeep guys I run into, the Jeep often gets parked in the winter until the snow gets too deep for the commuter car to handle. So, that often means that it sits through most of the fall and early winter neglected and the first big snowstorm finds you guys either hooking up the jumper cables or charging box or, worse, replacing the battery.
January 2012 Randy’s Electrical Corner | Digg It | Add to del.icio.us
Flaming River Automatic Batter Disconnect: Bad Battery BetterIf you are like a lot of Jeep guys I run into, the Jeep often gets parked in the winter until the snow gets too deep for the commuter car to handle. So, that often means that it sits through most of the fall and early winter neglected and the first big snowstorm finds you guys either hooking up the jumper cables or charging box or, worse, replacing the battery.
January 2012 Randy’s Electrical Corner | Digg It | Add to del.icio.us