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Locking hubs with nylon center

Locking hubs with nylon center


Old Time Jeeper
Peoria, AZ
83' CJ7-35's, granny T18, clocked, locked, 456s, D30 20 trussed- stitched-heim traction-1 piece shafts, CV dshaft, quick discos, xtended shock mounts, SOA, revolvers rear, braided lines, herculined, hand throttle, AMC saddle bags, rebuilt 258, D300.
I lost a hub this weekend :p. I was wheeling and when I got back to camp I noticed they were loose. I disengaged, forgot to tighten up and drove home. One was gone by the time I got here.

I had no problems with the Superwinch hubs on there the last 4 years but came across some on the web that said they have nylon centers to get you off the trail if they break. It also said they shouldn't :confused:.
were they the old warn "fuse" hubs?
:confused: I'm confused too. Not sure what they mean.
I do know that most if not all R.R. stuff is made in china.
Like you I've had good luck so far (6 years now) with my superwinch hubs.
I was concerned about the name too and don't want to start having issues with cheap or plastic ones. I have never carried extra hubs but it seems some poeple do. Thought I might kill two birds with one stone :) if they do work somehow.

I am buried at work but may call them if no one chimes in today.
I found a little more info. Not exactly convincing but makes some sense.
Looks like a sponsor for FSB explained AVM hubs. And AVM must have been acquired by RR as I found them showing the same part numbers. I am concerned they are almost too cheap in price so there must be a downside :D

"If the metal ones are smashed against a rock they can/might shatter/break to the point of disengaging the hub gear off your stub shaft."

"The nylon ones will take more rock bashing abuse and should help you keep your front axle engaged."

"Not the same type of "nylon" you are probably thinking of. Nylon has many applications. Some of which are military based. "

1966-1996 Ford Bronco Heavy Duty Locking Hubs [Archive] - FSB Forums
For the inquiring minds.

I ended up going Mile Marker which was up there with Superwinch. Warn seemed to be worst case (for 5 bolt) behind AVM and Rugged Ridge based on my research.

I have to say, I had no problem with Superwinch. The difference seems to be superwinch is a wider lock which means you will not loose it as easy. But most I saw were aluminum. MM seems more solid as the hub part is smaller but can back out and fall off easier as you can reach them with a socket and the lock out will not stop or slow them.

My old ones


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