May 2011 4xForward
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May 2011 4xForward
Jeep's 70th BirthdayIt's true, the mighty jeep turns 70 this year. It's the one that started our hobby/sport/passion/virus/reason for divorce/whatever you want to call it. Sure, there were other 4x4 rigs before the jeep, but the invention of the jeep in WWII and afterwards its introduction to America and the world are why you are reading this editorial right now. It's not because Dodge or Ford or Mitsubishi (oh wait, we took care of the Mitzis back then) or anyone else took up the fight, or the cause, or the patriotism, or the will to win, but the mighty jeep helped our soldiers in the dirt to change the course of the world. Can you say that about yourself? Very few can.
May 2011 4xForward | Digg It | Add to
Jeep's 70th BirthdayIt's true, the mighty jeep turns 70 this year. It's the one that started our hobby/sport/passion/virus/reason for divorce/whatever you want to call it. Sure, there were other 4x4 rigs before the jeep, but the invention of the jeep in WWII and afterwards its introduction to America and the world are why you are reading this editorial right now. It's not because Dodge or Ford or Mitsubishi (oh wait, we took care of the Mitzis back then) or anyone else took up the fight, or the cause, or the patriotism, or the will to win, but the mighty jeep helped our soldiers in the dirt to change the course of the world. Can you say that about yourself? Very few can.
May 2011 4xForward | Digg It | Add to