Michael Jackson....OOWWWWWWWwwwwww

Michael Jackson....OOWWWWWWWwwwwww


Crazy Sr. Respected Jeeper
04 Grand, Dodge 2500 CTD, 78 CJ7

Society -1
Dirty child molester-0

Have fun explaining this to your maker buba.
Yeah, my dad said that was one less pedophile in this world, and he wished they all would follow suit...

But as a musician, back in the day, you kind of have to give the guy kudos...

Maybe the Devil will...
As a musician, he had no equal. As a human, he didn't deserve to live this long.
My dad said she was the best looking 50 yr old he ever seen naked... but he only has my mom to compare her with so, yeah....

I thought her and that Ryan guy were married though...
This is bad, I received this on my phone:

When Farrah Fawcett arrived at Heaven, God granted her one wish. She wished for all the kids of the world to be safe. So God killed Michael Jackson.
'On a scale from 1-10, how old is Michael's boyfriend?'

Reports coming in that he was rushed to a childrens hospital

After his death, Will his organs continue to be donated to children???

McDonald's is creating the new McMichael Burger. 50-year old meat and 10-year old buns

This evening, the nation will hold a moment of silence for him...if anyone would like to join, plesae grab your crotch and beat it

It was just a wierd day losing two famous white women, first farrah...now michael....

News cast it wasn't a heart attack, now they say food poisoning.
As I posted elsewhere no matter how he lived as a man, have respect for the dead.
Only a man of honor deserves respect.
It's not ot my place to judge the man, but even the dead deserve some respect.
you said it right coldwater.didn't care for their type of music(if you wanna call it that).i hope a lot more like him/her follow suite.it sure would be a safer world with em all gone,my two cents.
It's not ot my place to judge the man, but even the dead deserve some respect.

I understand your outlook, and in the end there will be only one judge, I you have that beliefe. I do. But, I there are men of honor that never get mentioned and are forgotton. Men whose greatness is beyond measure for what they have done for the greater good of us all. Those are the men I respect. Others that drag themselves out of bed every day to work long hours to feed and care for their families, and uphold the values of decency they pass onto their children. I respect them. I will never offer my respect for a skinny squealing crotch grabbing halfwit that mutilates himself in an effort to be noticed. And there is no greater crime than that of the abuse of a child. Political correctness has never been a strong suit of mine. I am disturbed by the reactions of people that have completely overlooked his past actions and indiscretions and pay homage to his "greatness" I consider that creature to have been vermin, and am glad he's gone.
Having folded many a flag I understand what your saying. There's no compairing the two. But every funeral I've been to it has been respectful and noone spoke bad of the dead, reguardless of the man.
Even the condemed in the electric chair get a moment to speak their piece and are treated repectfully after they are dead. They aren't just piled up outside like cord wood, LOL.
I'm not a fan if your wondering, I'm not defending the guys actions in life, just the rights of the dead.
noone spoke bad of the dead, reguardless of the man.

Interesting. My wife feels as you do (she's much nicer than I am :)) Someone I knew all my life passed on recently from liver damage due to alcohol and dope. He was no good from the time he was just a kid, constantly in trouble with the law, dishonest, a petty thief and a liar. I was with some others that knew him and never had a good word to speak about him in the past, but on his passing, all they could say was what a poor soul he was, and how sad it was. I, being an <-BAD WORD-> I guess, chime in with the facts and reminded them of some of their comments about him over the years. His life was his choice, he worked hard every day to make the hell he lived in, dispite endless attempts from family to try and help. He was simply no good, and in reality, the world is better with him gone. I guess my question is, what makes a person able to wash away deplorable and or criminal behavior spread out over years or even a lifetime of someone, just because they are no longer alive? I simply can't bring myself to forgive, forget, and say nice things about a horror of a human being because he's on a slab. My wife can't can't answer that, all she keeps saying is, What's wrong with you? Have some respect for the dead! Why? :confused: I had NO respect for them when they were walking around!! I suppose that in some ways, I can apreciate people that can forgive like that, but I can't do it.
The guy you knew, since he had been rotten from youth, probably never had a chance and was probably never taught not to be rotten, and that makes it sad.

When people dont get a chance to get their :dung: straightened out.

I am a good person, usually. But when I am bad, I am bad. And usually breaking one of the 10 commandments. Those are the bad ones to break. But when it comes to caring about others or not hurting others, I try my hardest not to.

Michael... he had some daddy issues. He had some pedophile issues. He has been out of the media for so long, who is to say if he got his :dung: together or not. His music was good back in the day (for what it was, and what was popular) and his dancing was good. He was a good performer. And he knew how to play the publicity game, well, before he went crazy and did all kinds of stupid :dung:.

I used to have a theory on his little boy fascination. When one grows up without a childhood, some tend to go back and try to live it. I thought that was what he was doing when he was hanging out with that home alone kid. He messed up and did it wrong though, mixing adulthood and childhood.

OK, he was a flippin' psycho...
I guess my question is, what makes a person able to wash away deplorable and or criminal behavior spread out over years or even a lifetime of someone, just because they are no longer alive?

A dirt bag is a dirt bag, but it's up to you to be the better man and not stoop to dragging up the dirt, instead people speak of the good no matter how small. Like mom's say "If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all".

I had an uncle who was a drunk and most adults considered him a real piece of work. But as a child he was always nice to me and used to show me how to make things or work on small engines (sober) and was a kind person and would help most anyone out, but drinking was his issue and he died from it. Now is he a drunk shat bag who got what he deserved or was he a good person who lived an unfortunate life?

I'm not the judge and never speak ill of the dead even if I knew them.
If you hear a loud noise in the sky, it isn't thunder, it's Elvis beating the :dung: out of Michael Jackson for marrying his daughter.
If you hear a loud noise in the sky, it isn't thunder, it's Elvis beating the :dung: out of Michael Jackson for marrying his daughter.
Now thats Funny !!:laugh::notworthy::chug:

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