And now bacon heals!
Today in Research: Bacon Cures Nose Bleeds
Discovered: A tasty, pork-based nose-bleed remedy
Bacon cures nose bleeds? The bacon craze had already gone too far, but this latest finding suggests it will continue down that path of lunacy. A new study, printed in a real medical journal (Annals of Otolaryngology), found that using strips of cured bacon helped those afflicted with chronic nose-bleeds. "Cured salted pork crafted as a nasal tampon and packed within the nasal vaults successfully stopped nasal hemorrhage promptly, effectively, and without sequelae" (or aftereffect of the condition), explains the study. Apparently they used to do these sorts of the things back in the day, but bacteria caused all sorts of infection, so doctors stopped. Now that bacon's back in, there seems no better place to stick those delicious smelling sticks of fat.
Today in Research: Bacon Cures Nose Bleeds; Stem Cell Success - The Atlantic Wire - Health - The Atlantic