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My Bubba...

My Bubba...


Full Time Jeeper
I talk about my son, Bubba, all the time. Here's the latest and its not good.

I know you guys hear alot about him, but here is the latest. And it isnt good.

Sunday evening, he was out riding his bike with a couple of girls in the neighborhood. He came home and asked if he could go to one of their houses. I said no, but told him that he could still ride his bike. So, when he left out again, he was gone for 10 minutes and came home.

He came in and told me that a guy was standing behind his truck peeing and said "Hey kid." Bubba said "what" The guy said "hey kid, want some candy? Get in my truck." Bubba took off.

Bubba did get a good description of what the guy was wearing. Said the guys truck was a white Dodge, and when I asked if it was a full size or a small truck, he said small (Dakota.)

Went to the police station. The cop was there but leaving to go on a vandalism call. So, I called county dispatch, told her what was going on, and I asked for a county cop or someone to please hurry to my house. I waited a firetrucking hour. And during that time, when I called county dispatch again, the lady yelled at me "I'm not there, I dont know what your town does, but I am not there." What the firetruck ever.

When the cop got here, it was Roy, whom we call "uh huh" because that is all he says. Lazy cock sucker. I had the mayor on the phone at one time through the evening.

Monday, the police chief and a Sargent (who the hell gave him that title, I dont know...probably himself) interviewed Bubba. They video taped it, and they took his pic. They also explained that the vandalism call was happening, and what happened to Bubba was already done. I told them that another cop should have been called. But they said no one else was on that night.

Bubba had pointed out a truck down the street as the truck. But the cops have gotten no where. And they have given us no info. My dad went to the police station, and cussed and showed his craziness to the chief, and threatened to kill the bastard that did this.

Dad told me that I need to file complaints. What do you guys think?
I don't know where you live Susie, but it sounds to me like your getting the run around by some lazy do nothing cops. Like I said, I don't know where you live, but if I wasn't getting any help from the local yokals I would go to either the county sheriff, or the closest state police.

Filing a complaint, may or may not do you any good. Considering it may or may not get where it needs to go. But getting your complaint on record never hurts.

Just my 2¢

P.S. I'm sorry to hear that you and your son have had to go through something like this.
Contact a local news station, or visit the courthouse and ask to speak with the prosecutor. The state police can be called, and you have a state representative in your district that can be called on. NEVER lose your temper, act out of anger, or name call. When you get mad, you lose. There is a clear chain of command, just follow it till you get the results you need.....calmly.
I live in a small town in southern Illinois. When I called county dispatch, I had asked for a county cop, because the town cop had went to see about vandalism, and the dispatcher told me that they couldnt do that because jurisdiction (?sp)

My local news is out of St Louis. If I call a news channel, it might tip the guy they do suspect into fleeing.

:( Frustration is kicking in...
Call the State Police if the County will not get involved. The SP investigate anywhere and can get involved. As stated, don't lose your temper (I know it may be hard as your child is involved), don't name call, and don't play the blame game.

Explain the situation and ask the State Police how this can be resolved.
did you say the truck was just down the road? would your son recognize this man again if so there should be an online sex offender registry. check to see if this guy is a sex offender and if so take that to the state police. above all listen to above advise and keep your cool. is there anyway you could get the plate# while just driving by? if so turn that over to investigating officer and they should be able to check for SOR.
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The police have questioned him, but then he lawyered up, and was told to not speak to the police. We are at a stand still. Like they were going to do anything about it anyway. If we lived in the city, they would be combing the streets and questioning every white truck, and it would have hit the news.

This guy has a record for petty theft, and DUI's. They havent even brought us his mugshot from those. They dont care. I am going to the town board meeting and complaining. And I am going to file a complaint with the Illinois State Police. AND I will report this on ratemycop.com.

Its all bull:dung:.
well if he lawyered up then he has something to hide...I would keep going up the ladder of LE if county,city, or state police will do nothing then this may be a case for an agency with three initials if you know what i mean. Also the local DA is doing nothing either?.
Nothing has been done.

And since Bubba said that after the guy said to get into his truck, he rode to Taylor's house, the cops are saying he was over there playing. I told the cops he hadnt been gone 10 minutes. But they are down playing this so much. They dont give a damn.

AND no one is helping at all.

My dad wants to take the guy fishing with some concrete blocks...
Do what my grand dad and dad do kick the f-ers <-BAD WORD-> then let the cops respond to that. But if you really want to make them squirm have a talk with a local judge first and see what he can do.

I remember the old days when a shat bag would move into the neighborhood, the MEN of the neighborhood would go pay the shat bag a visit have a nice talk and next thing you know the shat bag would move away. Ahh the simple days when MEN would take care of their neighborhood as a group. Now it's every man for himself.

Now as for me as a father of a 3yr old, to quote a famous person:
"It's clobbering time - Benjamin Jacob Grimm"
AKA: The Thing from the Fantastic Four.
I dont think there is a local judge. When we get tickets here, we have to drive an hour to the courthouse...

The mayor knows I am pissed. And that the cops are dragging their feet.
Brock most men don't even take care of their own business anymore! But I agree and remember this is just me, But if it were my child I would have that special talk with this person myself ;) . And Susie if this guy were standing in public peeing why were there no indecent exposure to a child charge brought down? just wondering. I can't believe no one is taking this seriously.........
The cops here dont want to do anything. They dont write enough tickets, so now the state cops come down on 1 Tuesday a month and bust everyone for everything!
I say keep making noise about this and keep getting a little louder each time and maybe someone will eventually here you....
I have started :) a verbal campaign. I am telling everyone and anyone who will listen about what happened. I am calling up to city hall to find out when the next meeting is so I can be present and get people to go up there with me with the "it could have been any kid in this town, including mine" theory in their heads.

When I tell people it was Roy Uh-huh that was on duty, they all roll their eyes. Its sad. And if the city doesnt want to do anything about him or the system, I will voice that the state has been contacted and complaints filed.
There you go. look, no matter how alone you feel in a battle sometimes, there is allways a chain of command to call on. Allways remember that, and just keep climbing up the ladder.
Its been 2 weeks, and still nothing.

Chain of command better be ready for one pissed off momma...
I don't know about the chain of command! If the is a child sex predator then I say find out who needs to be involved and go straight to them. I mean this scum already hit on your child right? all I can say is your all hell of a lot more calm than I would be!!!! "MAKE SOME NOISE" Have you been to the news about this? have you spoken to your neighbors about this?. the longer you wait the less there will may be done about it......
Bubba went to the pd today. They had to get special approval to do a photo line up with a child Bubba's age (that is what they told me anyway.)

They showed Bubba pics. None of the guys in the pics had hats on. Hats can change appearance. But since Bubba didnt point out the guy, they are closing this case.

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