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Need pics of rhino lined tubs

Need pics of rhino lined tubs


Senior Jeeper
1982 CJ 7 4.2liter T176,D300,D30,AMC20 3inch lift, ARB lockers front and rear, 4.10gears, 33inch tires.
I am on the fence. I am trying to decide if I want to line the inside tub. Thanks in advance.
its not the best pict 65.webp

but now that I did it I hate it .gets hot than it starts to flake off in chunks
I wanted to Rhino mine, the local shop that does it did not even want my busisness, would not even give me an estimate. He said they could do 4 trucks in the time it would take to do my jeep, and that I would have to remove the dash (and everything else). I ended up doing it myself with plastikote. I did the whole job in 2 days for well under $100.00. A year or so later, it still looks great. Good thing about plastikote, you can buy touch up cans cheep if you damage an area. I have a pic or 2 in my gallery if you interested.

PlastiKote Paint Products
I used the plasticoat a couple of times, sometimes it held up great, other times it would flake up. I blame myself for being in a hurry and not doing the best prep work on the times it flaked. The times I made sure the surface was absolutely clean, it bonded very well. And being able to stop by any auto store and pick up a can for pretty cheap, is a defanite plus in my book. The plasticoat, and some others fade fairly quick if your vehicle is constantly exposed to sunlight though. Like mine, I have no tops on either CJ, and they spend the majority of the time outside, when I'm not fixing them in the garage! I like the durabak brand, and you can get it in smooth or textured, multiple color choices, and you can also get it with a UV inhibitor.

There are plenty of other threads on here about this. It is well worth the time, saves the interior, and makes it a lot easier to clean out after a day of mudding. I used herculiner myself, and loved it. Some of the other guys used spray on, a few have even done the entire outside of the Jeep as well. The main thing is the prep work. If you take the time and prep it right, you will be happy with the end result. You can also get some that you can color match. Do a search on here, and you will find plenty of other threads, and opinions. Hope that helps.
ill try and post a pic of mine 2morrow but it has the fiberglass tub and it has plasticoat which is great because if it gets muddy just spray it off with a hose no soap needed. it worked so well i did my rims with it aswell. dirt just falls off of them
one con though if you put it on the roll bars cover them up with foam cause plasticoat really hurts when you hit it with your head on the trails. found that out the hard way
Did my tub in POR15 and like the way it turned out
Think I have a few pics of it in my webshots
For my Scrambler it took a Gallon plus a quart. I got them together off E-bay for $115. I didnt do the inside of the divider for the bed but did do the roll bar. In hindsight I shouldve removed the rollbar and just painted it.
How much hurculiner did it take to complete?
I've used herculiner and liked it but the next one I do I'll use U-pol Raptorliner.
It comes in a kit and if you have a compressor or rent one you can spray the liner yourself. It comes with a gun and all the stuff needed to do the job, minus the stuff
to prep it. Remember PREP is Key!

U-Pol Raptor Truck Bed Liner Kit - TP Tools & Equipment

This guy sprayed his and I liked that it could be tinted to match the paint:
06' LJ build...Fireproof - JeepForum.com
He only baked it cause he could, doesn't need to be. People always
ask, LOL.
I've used herculiner and liked it but the next one I do I'll use U-pol Raptorliner.
It comes in a kit and if you have a compressor or rent one you can spray the liner yourself. It comes with a gun and all the stuff needed to do the job, minus the stuff
to prep it. Remember PREP is Key!

U-Pol Raptor Truck Bed Liner Kit - TP Tools & Equipment

This guy sprayed his and I liked that it could be tinted to match the paint:
06' LJ build...Fireproof - JeepForum.com
He only baked it cause he could, doesn't need to be. People always
ask, LOL.
Thats the problem. Mine is in good shape and I have it prepped well. I think it would turn out nice if I painted it the same as the outside. I will get you some pics after while.
im actually hurculining dads tj this week wish me luck. my cj is lined i think its vortexed if i remember correctly. i like it. it makes me feel like its nicer and looks complete. i feel like a jeep interior that hasnt been lined looks unfinished.
Did mine with herculiner a long time ago. I'm happy with the results. I may get another gallon and clean it up and add another coat.


I did mine just this weekend and so far I am very happy with the results. I took the advice of others on this site and purchased a cheap texture paint gun at harbor frieght for 19.99. It turned out better than expected.
I think it's worth doing even if it doesn't look so good. I plan to line mine with something like Rhino or Herc. AND install new carpet over the top of it. Just to protect that metal. If I'm gonna spend $3k on a new tub I want that thing PROTECTED from rust.

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