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ok after researching and reading over and over. i still have a carb problem

ok after researching and reading over and over. i still have a carb problem


Stock 1979 CJ7
258 4.2L Inline 6
Auto tranny with quadratrac
ok so what i have a feeling is why my jeep still doesn't run right. its a 1979 CJ7 and thing is i can't get it to stay running and what not. every time i put it in drive after i get it started it won't stay started. it dies. and what i figured it is is the choke... because if i start it up with the choke open it will start up but then will back fire out of the carb and die. but if my brother starts it and i control the choke by closing it a little and what not it will stay running and doesn't idle rough but if i i step on the gas fast it will die. idk what is going on here and its really making me annoyed. i have a wheeling weekend this weekend with a couple buddys so i have to get it running right.
If its back firing out the carb you have a timing problem. The only thing the choke does is richens your air fuel mixture and raises the idle until the motor warms. A good running motor will start and run without a choke just idle low until it warms.
is your accelerator pump working correctly?
"if my brother starts it and i control the choke by closing it a little and what not it will stay running and doesn't idle rough"

is there any possibility that the motor is still getting warm? Have you put a timing light on it? After it is warm have you checked the idle adjustment screws?:D

kind of sounds like it is a bit lean at idle if it is warm and you need to close the choke.
Make sure it runs correctly when warm; does it?

Is this an electric choke?

If so, you may need to adjust the choke. You stated that if you close the choke a little it will run but then if you hit the gas real quick it will die. If you don't have the choke adjusted to close enough, a tap on the pedal will essentially "open" the choke.

Go out on a cold morning and pull the air cleaner. Floor it once to set the choke. Not sure what the temps are there but it should probably be closed more than half way, if not all the way. As it warms up you can kick the choke off by tapping the pedal.

To adjust, loosen the small screws around the choke housing. I think you turn it clockwise to add choke; not sure so you'll have to play with it. Turn it like half a turn and then open the throttle a bit. You should see the choke plate close more than before if you are adding choke.
Make sure it runs correctly when warm; does it?

Is this an electric choke?

If so, you may need to adjust the choke. You stated that if you close the choke a little it will run but then if you hit the gas real quick it will die. If you don't have the choke adjusted to close enough, a tap on the pedal will essentially "open" the choke.

Go out on a cold morning and pull the air cleaner. Floor it once to set the choke. Not sure what the temps are there but it should probably be closed more than half way, if not all the way. As it warms up you can kick the choke off by tapping the pedal.

To adjust, loosen the small screws around the choke housing. I think you turn it clockwise to add choke; not sure so you'll have to play with it. Turn it like half a turn and then open the throttle a bit. You should see the choke plate close more than before if you are adding choke.

i dont see any small screw :confused:
Also, if this CJ7 is mostly stock and original, the vacuum advance tubing runs through a temperature activated switch in the manifold which will not allow the distributor to advance until it reaches a certain temp. Just FYI, for everyone trying to help.. initial timing is critical.
Also, if this CJ7 is mostly stock and original, the vacuum advance tubing runs through a temperature activated switch in the manifold which will not allow the distributor to advance until it reaches a certain temp. Just FYI, for everyone trying to help.. initial timing is critical.

initial timing as in for the engine its self? if the timing is off the carb will be screwed? is that what your saying
initial timing as in for the engine its self? if the timing is off the carb will be screwed? is that what your saying

Yes, you need to set the timing, when trying to tune an engine and a carburator the correct timing is everything. Then you can go from there. Your carb may have it's own issues, but without the timing being right, you won't be able to straighten the carb out.
Yes, you need to set the timing, when trying to tune an engine and a carburator the correct timing is everything. Then you can go from there. Your carb may have it's own issues, but without the timing being right, you won't be able to straighten the carb out.

any way you can do that with no timing light?
In the old days before I knew better i would twist the distributor until it idled the best. Then I would pull two spark plug wires opposite each on the distributor and increase the idle set screw and twist the distributor until it would run on 6 cylinders while watching the tach. then repeat. when I had it running on two cylinders I would consider the timing set. Then I would plug all the the wires back in and set the idle speed and go. Yes, I got shocked a few times.:laugh: My advice, buy a timing light. It is well worth the cost and not nearly as painful to use. :D
Ha...that last one was awesome. The :dung: we do because we don't have time to run to the parts store and we gotta get on the road NOW!

Yeti, does the jeep run good when warm?

That's really important. If its only stalling when cold, it's probably the choke. But if it does this all the time, starting with your choke is wrong.

Take a side shot of the choke housing. I've never worked on one of these specific vehicles, but there should be some way to adjust your choke preload.

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