Paying respect. 12-14-12

Paying respect. 12-14-12


Old Time Jeeper
Priddy, TX
07 ford f-150 xl, auto, daily driver
98 chevy suburban, (family car)(SOLD)
2005 Ford Expedition
80 cj-5, body and frame
I didn't know how you guys felt about this but, I felt the need to get this off my chest here, having an 8 month old daughter myself, and what happened on 12-14-12 at 0930 really hit home for me.

I wanted to,,,,felt compelled to say something about the parents, brothers and sisters husbands and wife's, that for me, that day will, and at this moment has stood out as the most horrible thing I have ever had to listen, watch and talk about. The thought of losing your too hard for me to think about. When my daughter was born I made a vow that I would do everything that I could to protect her, and Fridays incident just reinforced that promise.

Sorry to bring up something none jeep related, but I had to say something.

It's a long road ahead for everyone, but I pay my respect to those family's by not taking being with my kid for granted.

Pass it on, cherish the time you have left with your children, they could be gone when you get home from work one day.


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I think it hit everybody pretty hard. What the hell is wrong with people now days this is happening way to much and this is the worst because the victims were 5 and 6 year olds. It makes me sick.
What's wrong you ask? The issue of mental illness and the appropriate diagnosis and treatment of it is being largely ignored by society. Then the media (and the libs) wrongly blames one particular inanimate object that had no control in the situation whatsoever, and use the event as a political football instead of finding a solution.
Agreed. The issue of mental illness has long been avoided publicly. I had relatives in the 60's and 70's that were just simply shipped off instead of diagnosing and treating the problem. Most people have a little "crazy" in them, it's human nature. The difference is that some people either need help to deal with it, or good pharmaceutical intervention. But, no matter how well the meds work, if a person is not taught or shown how to deal with their problems they loose it. I might go outside and have a little quiet time with some cold beer and the great outdoors, some folks haven't had the opportunity to experience that. It works for me.

If a person keeps stuffing stuff back, they crack. I choose to crack open a beer and crack some knuckles on grease covered metal.

I'm not trying to start a fight or heated discussion even, just my $.02.

This won't be too expensive Dear! That's what I keep saying. Over and over again.
Breaks my heart.

Why do banks have guards to protect their buildings and contents?

Why don't schools?
Why do banks have guards to protect their buildings and contents?

Why don't schools?

5 years ago, if i told you that a 20 year old was gonna shoot up an elementary school, would you have believed me?

I wouldnt have. Times have changed, hopefully they use this as an example to not let this happen again.

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Times haven't changed. The worst school killings in the US was in 1927. Think it is only guns that kill, here is a link to the 10 worst school killings...and the happen all over the world.

Top 10 Worst School Massacres - Listverse

There will always be sicko's and people that do evil things...

We should take a chapter from the israeli's, there schools are harder to get into than most airports.
Why do banks have guards to protect their buildings and contents?

Why don't schools?

I wish they didn't have to but they do.
When I see a girl walking down the street alone at night the first thought I have is "she shouldn't be out here at night".
Then, with my next thought, I grit my teeth in anger at the criminals that don't make that safe. These criminals that rape, rob and murder should not only be prosecuted for their crimes, they should be prosecuted for making the rest of society unsafe. You should not have to worry about your child at school, wondering if a crazy will burst in shooting everyone. You should not have to worry about your daughter walking home at night from a friends house.

Grrr! Don't get me started!:biggun:
If you want to talk about the death penalty I might make some of you mad but I say kill them all and let God sort them out.

What's wrong you ask? The issue of mental illness and the appropriate diagnosis and treatment of it is being largely ignored by society.

Agreed. The issue of mental illness has long been avoided publicly. I had relatives in the 60's and 70's that were just simply shipped off instead of diagnosing and treating the problem. Most people have a little "crazy" in them, it's human nature.

It used to be if anyone displayed abnormal behavior they were shipped of to the insane asylum. Even the deaf and dumb were housed up with the schizophrenic. It used to be they didn't try to treat anyone. (maybe they didn't even know how to treat them) They just locked those people away. Do any of you guys know what those old insane asylums were like? Worse than any 3rd world prison. Solitary confinement. Electric shock treatment. Lobotomies! Anyone in there would go crazy even if they weren't already.

Now we have gone to the other extreme. Now we don't lock them up. We treat them. We give them drugs and send them home. In many cases the mentally ill are homeless. Yes, we may lock up some of the mentally ill. But very few! ONLY AFTER they have proven themselves to be a danger to society. What I am saying is we only lock up the criminally insane AFTER they have proven themselves to be criminally insane. In other words we they are locked up AFTER they commit some crime that proves they are a danger to society. This is ZERO prevention. We would hate to infringe on anyone's rights in an attempt to make the rest of society safer.
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One of my jobs is as a substitute teacher in elementary schools. I keep getting flashbacks of little kids wearing too-heavy backpacks, smiling as they wander off to their classrooms full of innocent trust in all the adults that are going to be teaching/directing/correcting/guiding/encouraging/protecting them for the next several hours. They have complete trust even in me, a sub! This horror in CT breaks my heart.

It offends me that the brainwashing of violent video games is ignored in all the hand-wringing. Kids can't be exposed to Joe Camel for 30 seconds, but they can spend hours pretending to kill on their X-boxes. A Microsoft product, no? Thank you, Bill Gates.
It offends me that the brainwashing of violent video games is ignored in all the hand-wringing. Kids can't be exposed to Joe Camel for 30 seconds, but they can spend hours pretending to kill on their X-boxes. A Microsoft product, no? Thank you, Bill Gates.

As a parent of a 7 and 5 year old and having a wife that is in her 9th year as an educator, I would have a hard time blaming Bill Gates. My Wife or Myself personally screens the video games my kids play if not play the thing with them! The only thing my kids shoot on a video
game is animals. (Cabelas Big Game Hunter. Look it up, pretty fun!)

Be involved in your kids life, that's all I'm saying. I walked by a project in the garage all day Saturday to spend the day with my family. Take the time to do it, my own Dad left this world too soon and I don't want my kids to wander what might have been or what we could have done.........

Also, I played Duck Hunter with my Dad, not Grand Theft Auto...just saying!

(Not a personal jab Tinhorn, please don't take it as such)

This won't be too expensive Dear! That's what I keep saying. Over and over again.
The whole mental illness problem doesn't really show it's ugly head sometimes until it's to late. Like this kid and the one here that killed those that went to watch a movie. They have never been in any trouble nor done anything that would make people think there is a problem with them it's not so easy to say this person some day is going to snap and go out and kill a bunch of people. You just can't go and lock up everybody that acts a little bit different.
Mental patients are a revolving door. 24 hour surveillance and set free. Games and movies brainwashing, perhaps. We MUST speak to our children. Many parents buy game consoles as a baby sitter. My daughter has a hand held game console but 99.99 % of the time she has a book in her hand. How come books never get blamed? Anyways, I hate to hear of such devastation and worse, it's our kids on the other end. Talk to your kids and get nosey. Twice a week I go to school and have locker inspection, I'm not the perfect father, :dung: far from it. My daughter isn't perfect but strives to be. Can it happen to my family, anything is possible so hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

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Had to add this... Schools DO NOT TAKE BULLYING SERIOUS. It's not only the students but the teachers also. Try to convince the principle that their teacher is a bully. Hell, try to get something done about sexual harassment. Better keep damn good records and get a lawyer THEN hit up the local news channel. It's always hush hush then it blows up in our face and the world knows about it. America needs to SACK UP!

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Yall hit the nail on the head. My wife is a health care professional in mental health. She has been saying this for years. She also says that most of the prisoners incarcerated are i need of treatment.
And lets not forget the movies and games so prevalent in today's society. Subconsciously I believe it devalues life. War is and ugly, nasty place to be or take part in and there is no reason children should be exposed to this dark part of life. And then to glorify events like these shootings, over and over, day after day in the news; tends to make these seem more of the norm around the country.
We're going to he.ll in a handbasket folks and unfortunately I'm not sure we can stop it!
I grew up a few miles from Newtown/Sandy Hook, CT. I grew up in Brookfield, CT. I still have friends that live there and even in Newtown, CT. My parents live there, as does my sister and niece. My niece happened to be in the other elementary school that day, I didn't even know what was going on until my sister called me and told me that my niece was safe... safe from what? and then all the media frenzy began.

I have to agree with a lot of what I have read. I am a father of 2 girls, I fear for their futures. I can't believe the thoughts that are going through my head these days of what might happen in the future, I pray I am wrong.

I talked to a buddy the other day after all this happened... when we were 18, we wanted to play football, try to get laid, maybe try to get our hands on a couple beers, maybe try to smoke a cigar or chew some tobacco... we had to study and get good grades so we would be allowed to play football. We worked part time jobs to try to save money to buy a car so you could have that one possession that would start to give you some freedoms.

These were the things that kept us busy. None of us had guns, none of us had knives, the biggest thing that would happen is a fight after school where you punched each other and it ended up more of a wrestling match than much of anything before someone broke it up.

Yeah... times have changed... this was only 20 years ago.

Now, you have to remember to take certain prescription drugs so you don't get too happy or too sad. You play fantasy and/or violent first person games while eating fast food with who knows what in it, while dumping gallons of soda down your throat, not sleeping, no excercise.

To go outside, ride a bike, throw a ball, run, walk, build forts, etc. are all foreign to kids these days it seems. I make sure I get my kids outside to go on the swing set or kick the ball around, or shovel snow... it doesn't matter, I try to do as much as I can and they love it.

Kids are different and parenting has changed, but it doesn't have to. I hope that a lot of people will wake up and start to look at the real issues... doctors don't always know best, most of it is common sense. Your kids are kids and they go through the same things you went through. It takes a lot of patience to be a parent (which I am learning), and it is very easy to blow it off and medicate. Don't blame guns, they were inactive until the trigger was pulled. Why was it pulled, that I think is the larger question. You can take everything away and eventually be left with nothing, but someone clever enough and evil enough will figure out a way to hurt others if they are truly determined.

Just my $.02

I heard a saying today " guns don't kill people crazy people with guns kill people"
I heard a saying today " guns don't kill people crazy people with guns kill people"

Not to bring in another issue but "if guns kill people then it was the spoon that made Rosie o'donnel fat"

More then anything, I think it's a matter of common sense that is severely lacking. No body can think for them selves with out someone/ something else doing it. Everyone has to walk on egg shells, or suffer lawsuits that blow the mind. If everyone could be taught that you treat others the way you want to be treated, things might be a little better, not a lot bit just a little. Course I was told common sense isn't very common either

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