Radial vs. Bias-Ply Tires
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Radial vs. Bias-Ply Tires
Unbiased?Guy #1: "Dude, this guy in my gun club was telling me about his cousin's brother'snephew's roommate who could never get his bias-ply tires to take a balance. His Jeep went into death wobble and he lost control, hit a honey truck, and skidded through a plate glass window factory where he was decapitated."
Photo Gallery: Radial vs. Bias-Ply Tires - Jp Magazine
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Unbiased?Guy #1: "Dude, this guy in my gun club was telling me about his cousin's brother'snephew's roommate who could never get his bias-ply tires to take a balance. His Jeep went into death wobble and he lost control, hit a honey truck, and skidded through a plate glass window factory where he was decapitated."
Photo Gallery: Radial vs. Bias-Ply Tires - Jp Magazine
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