sand blasting

sand blasting


1980 cj5 golden eagle All stock at the moment.
Ok this might be a dumb question but i just didnt know. so here goes i have a 79 CJ5 i am starting a restore bt not a full body off frame... i am just posting treads trying to get all my ducks in a row before i even start the restoration..but i have a question i have a cheap sand blaster would it be ok if i some what blasted the frame with out taking the body off or would that cause more problems in the long run.. i was thinking about blasting it and cleaning it up and just puttin that plastic kote liner on it... any advice would help bad or good thank yall and this wed site has helped me so much i am a rookie at this and this is my first and not last restore. this is something that i love....
i feel that you wouldnt be satisfied blasting the frame without taking everything off of it. might mess up something and pack sand in bad places. i just took a steel brush and cleaned up as much as i could and went over it with some rubber stuff
Nothing wrong with it albeit not as good as a frame off blast. I've done a few that way and felt good about it. Use playground sand (a lot cheaper) and just blow out all the debris when you're done. Its just the underside but use your best media and most time at the fender wells first.
thank yall for both of your opinions and what yall think i should do i am undicided still but i have a long way to go for preparation before i even start my first job.. i am following the advice somone posted on one of my other treads about what to do on starting a restore... and i am gonna take the time for prep and try and do my best on this jeep... oh and if yall know anything about paint or know someone that does i have another tread titled what color!!!!! thank yall for your help
Personaly I think it would be foolish to sandblast without removing the tub, For so many reasons I can't count em all. :D
what kinda reasons are you talking bout i would like to know... i am new at this and this is my first jeep restoration... i just was not wanting to pull the tub off on this piticular jeep cause the frame is acually in good cond. i just wanted to put that plastic kote liner on it and make is look alittle better and i wanted to make sure that it would stick to the frame...
:eek:don;t use sand to sand blast!you need to wear breathing protection free silica is nasty stuff,go with black diamond from tractor supply very little dust but still dangerous.look it up on line plenty of recommendations.
lol thanks for warning me... i have a lot of dealing with sand tho i work for Halliburton and we do frac jobs we pump about 8000 sacks of sand into the ground for well production every day.. and for every one that reads this CHOOCH IS CORRECT SAND IS REALLY BAD FOR YOU LUNGS WE JUST HAD A GUY IN NORTH DAKOTA I THINK IT WAS DIE!!!!!!!! FROM BREATING IN TO MUCH... HE JUST DID NOT LISTEN AND DID NOT WHERE HIS MASK OVER A PERIOD OF TIME IT CAUTGH UP TO HIM... THANKS CHOOCH FOR BRINGING UP SOMETHING OTHERS NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!
what kinda reasons are you talking bout i would like to know... i am new at this and this is my first jeep restoration... i just was not wanting to pull the tub off on this piticular jeep cause the frame is acually in good cond. i just wanted to put that plastic kote liner on it and make is look alittle better and i wanted to make sure that it would stick to the frame...

Well here's a few: Unless you roll your cj on it's side you will be have to laying on the ground while working, It is not laser like precise and things are going to get blasted that I would not care to have hit like wiring-brake lines-etc., Sand will fill everything like your frame channels-brake drums-etc., Very Limited access to most areas, I could keep going on and on.
:eek:don;t use sand to sand blast!you need to wear breathing protection free silica is nasty stuff,go with black diamond from tractor supply very little dust but still dangerous.look it up on line plenty of recommendations.
I used regular sand when cleaning parts for my resto last Summer, but I always wore my charcoal respirator that I use for spraying urathane paint. I hate sand blasting! It's no wonder they charge so much to do it at shops! You always end up cleaning sand out of your ears and every other place on your body for days after doing it! :eek:
I use a sandblasting attachment on my pressure washer. Works pretty well and no dust.

Not aware of such a thing but first thoughts are bare wet metal, My beleif is once you get bare metal you want it primed asap and not allow any moisture on the metal prior to that. Whats your thoughts?
You are right about that. You can watch it turn brown. I did a 54 Chevy truck frame last summer. Just dry it in the Fl. sun and prime and paint pretty quick. Did my Jeep wheels too. It's just surface rust, so I don't think it will be a problem.
yea i think i am gonna stick to just regular dry sand, i have a big presure washer and i thought hard about it after you mentioned it... thanks for the idea it might come in handy one day.. but i think i am still gonna blast it i figured things would get in the way but most can be moved if i am not already gonna replace it any way... thank all yall for you help
Well good grief guys. Maybe I can clarify a little, kinda feel like some of us are getting beat up here but I just dished out some tips on my post that skipped OBVIOUS steps.

1) When you blast with ANYTHING use a mask, no exceptions.

2) About getting sand in crevices, OF COURSE you have to mask off areas, holes, lines, wires, seal points, etc. Use common sense though, you dont have to mask certain things if you are careful and/or turn down the pressure. Ive done this a hundred times with excellent results. A long stem blow gun and vacuum cleaner are essential.

3) About frame on or off: ITS UP TO YOU. Of course it would be better to frame off blast, nothing beats it- its more THOROUGH. I just said frame-on blasting is fine because its practical. It saves time and its easiest.

You can also do a quasi-frame off- remove bushings and mounting bolts one or two at a time and reinstall them and move to the next. Unbolt lines, unhook wires, bolts, etc as you move on.

4) Blasting upside down sucks no matter what. The best tip I can give for that is using the biggest and brightest lights you have, and a floor fan blowing on you sideways on high.

Sand is the most practical, and cheapest. Drill sand is MUCH more effective if you have a source.

If you blast the body (even from the underside) turn your pressure down, the body can warp if you blast it too hard.

Hope this helps you bud.
oh yea it helped me out alot.. i am still gonna blast it with the body on.. although i might remove the bushings a couple at the time like you said... i looked at some new ones on the internet i will prolly just go back with a new set they are cheap... i am gonna take try and take my time with this project and try to do it the best i can for my first real restore... i have build up jeeps before but never what i am doing to this one i am excited about it and i know its not gonna be my last ...
Dont do it.. Guarentee you will have sand in places you dont want it! clean and prep as much as you can and then brush on POR15. It will look great. trust me
Dont do it.. Guarentee you will have sand in places you dont want it! clean and prep as much as you can and then brush on POR15. It will look great. trust me

I could not agree more, but I already said my peice.
:eek:you need to wear breathing protection

you absolutely can use sand - but you also MUST wear a respirator! Silicosis is the disease that results from breathing in sand dust and particles and can be fatal! A guy I used to work with his dad died from this - same problem using fiberglass insulation. Same stuff. Silica=sand
be careful and good luck!

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