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Seat belt checks?

Seat belt checks?


Central FL
'72 CJ5, 401, T18, D20, D44, D30
'82 CJ8, 258, D300, AMC20, D30
So I'm listening to the scanner this evening and they are doing a seat belt check. Stopping people at a very busy intersection in town and citing them for not having their belt on (it is law that we must wear a belt in GA and can be checked without a moving violation).

So, I just want to ask, who thinks belts are not needed?

I'll give my story and my thoughts...

I was in a head on about ten years ago... A person was driving down the wrong way on a divided HWY and we hit head on at 70 mph... I did not have air bags but they did, I was able to get out of my vehicle and check on them...

The seat belt saved my life...
I cant argue that they save lives,and I do wear mine while driving on road because I dont want the ticket, but I do resent the gov ( state- local or other wise) telling me what is in my best interest. I do realize that the intent is to help the helpless ( IE kids, handicapped ,etc ) but the harm in me myself and I driving down the road knowing full well the ramifications of driving without one pisses me off. I dont need the gov telling me how to prolong my life by : seatbelts, gun locks, gov run healthcare, ect. I'm really close to starting my own country, and I bet it wont be too hard to find people to join me.... I'm not at all disagreeing with you CJ, it just should be my choice.:patriot:
If you were to walk out to my truck right now, you would see that my seat belts are already buckled. That is to stop that annoying dinging sound that seems like its contunuous until you do buckle.

I live in a town that is a little over a mile long, and not even that wide, the fastest speed limit is 35. 1200 people. If I have to run up to the bank, then to the post office, then the gas station, I sure as hell dont want to be putting the damn thing on at every stop. Its bull. BUT when I go to get on the highway, yeah, I put the lapbelt on. The shoulder belt is up against the seat. I wont hang myself. And the only ticket that they can give me is improper usage. But even then, its fightable in court.

And I know that government safety standards have changed over the years, but there are still a lot of older cars running around that only have lapbelts. I think that the lapbelt is enough. I think they added the shoulder belt just so that the cops could see whether or not you have your seatbelt on.

CJ, I am starting to think like X... help.
Going to agree with Hole on this one. Freedom of choice.

I would never consider driving my truck or CJ without a seatbelt on. Even added them into my 1949 Chevy so that I had them. However, I don't need the Gov. telling me I have to wear it all the time.

Here in MI, we also have these seatbelt checkpoints. To me, all it is, is a big cash cow for the municipality that is running it. They know the majority of the people ticketed will just pay the $70 rather than spend a day in court. Since it is no points on your license, not worth fighting.
Anything that results in a fine is nothing more than a way to double tax the Taxpayer, since we already pay taxes to support "Law Enforcement". We would be better served if they actually spent some time catching criminals, instead of the average Joe that OMG didn't put on his seatbelt!
But the easy mark is the best money-maker, so it will always be this way. More laws=more fines=more money to catch the 'scofflaws'.
While we are at it, why doesn't LE have to follow the same rules we do? Talking on a cell phone (big ticket here, yet every cop driving has a phone to their ear), Most wear seat belts, sure, but speeding to get to the donut shop for lunch faster with their buddy? BAD form if you ask me....
I destroyed a peterbuilt tractor trailer in an ice storm a few years back. I cracked a few ribs, was knocked unconscience, and a little dinged up, and burnt my arm when the engine came into the cab right next to me and part way into the sleeper. The belt saved me for sure.

Another time, I had a 53' trailer break in half with 36 tons of blast material in it. It took about 1 second for it to dig right into the pavement on I-91 and tear up a good AMC 150 ' of highway. Again, bruised up ribs, a sprained ankle, and a broken neck in 2 places. I was out of work for a year, but again, the belt saved my life.

Are they necessary?? Hell yes. Should it be a law?? Unless it's for the safety of a child, hell NO! I don't like the thought of a nanny government taking care of me. If you don't want to wear a belt, that's your business.
Are they necessary?? Hell yes. Should it be a law?? Unless it's for the safety of a child, hell NO! I don't like the thought of a nanny government taking care of me. If you don't want to wear a belt, that's your business.

I can't say it any better.

Hey hole can I join I'm pretty sick of the gov. I have now.
New Country

I'm looking for some land that will suit our needs...
Re: New Country

All great points!

I always wear mine and I agree that is should be a choice... But...

I also understand why they have the law (well I kinda do)... I'm not so sure it is for the 'cash cow' but for the idiots who are to stupid to understand that seat belts save lives.

But then I say if they are so stupid, do I really want them on the road with me... :) And then there are the medical cost of those who are in an accident with and without belts - but they are supposed to have insurance -yet if they don't we all end up paying with higher premiums...

You know what! I say let it be - Let Darwinism have at it... If you survive - you win! :)
Re: New Country

I'm looking for some land that will suit our needs...

Count me in too. Can we call it Jeeptoria? You can be El Presidente' if you like :D

As for the seatbelt thing. I've been to enough accidents as a first responder to know that they save lives. I also know that they cause horrible bruising and occassionally break bones, and even less often trap victims in burning or sinking vehicles. Do I wear mine every time I get in a vehicle, no. Do I make absolutely positive my six year old step son has his on, yes.

What I think about government "laws" and such are for another topic.
Re: New Country

Needed yes, choice yes, set an age limit like 18 and under need belts.
I've been stopped with just the lap belt on, A%# Holes.

As for country all you need to do is purchase an island off the coast and your good to go.
Re: New Country

Needed yes, choice yes, set an age limit like 18 and under need belts.
I've been stopped with just the lap belt on, A%# Holes.

As for country all you need to do is purchase an island off the coast and your good to go.
or an abandoned oil drilling platform. I remember a write-up about a guy and his family that did just that, about 3 (?) miles off the Atlantic coast, and actually got his country recognized (They needed a passport to get groceries! :laugh:)
But theres no where to wheel on a platform :mad:
I'd consider an island, gotta be sizeable though, I get bored real quick on the same habi-trails ;). Drill platform.... No, not quite big enough.
Re: New Country

or an abandoned oil drilling platform. I remember a write-up about a guy and his family that did just that, about 3 (?) miles off the Atlantic coast, and actually got his country recognized (They needed a passport to get groceries! :laugh:)

If I did that, I could be a princess, right?
But I would have to be responsible... and act like an adult. Ewww!

Not on our island, it's not like any of us would be.:chug:
Someone buy me an island! All of the Lion King songs are going through my head (I was thinking "I just cant wait to be king, changing it to queen...)

OH CJ!!! :)

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