So, what are your Holiday plans?

So, what are your Holiday plans?


Central FL
'72 CJ5, 401, T18, D20, D44, D30
'82 CJ8, 258, D300, AMC20, D30
I'm going to be heading to my Mothers and Brothers Tuesday to spend a few days with them. I haven't seen them since May so it should be allot of fun. I built a new PC for my Bro and I'm going to take his old one and refurb it for her...

I just finished wrapping all of their presents (nieces and nephews)...

After that I don't have to be back at work until the 5th of Jan!

Woo Hoo!:banana:

So, what are your Christmas plans???
Yesterday we went to my uncles house. On Christmas Day, my inlaws are all coming over to eat the meal that will take 10 hours for me to make.

Today, I have to finish shopping. And this evening and tomorrow, I am making cookies. I already made chocolates.

****! I just remembered that Wednesday I have to make chicken and dumplins. And get my dressing ready... damn! I need to make a list.... I need to get away from the computer.

AND Bubba got into the closet today and found one of his big gifts... Guitar Hero World Tour for the Wii he is getting! We told him its an empty box!
I get to work tomorrow, then Wed. I am going to test run the genset and make sure its ready for the wife while I'm gone. Then a 2 hour drive to the M-I-L's house for 2 or 3 days. Then home again to work on getting more stuff ready for my 3 month deployment.

That and play with the new toys I get for Xmas. GPS unit, Bearcat scanner, Wife's stereo system...
I get to work tomorrow, then Wed. I am going to test run the genset and make sure its ready for the wife while I'm gone. Then a 2 hour drive to the M-I-L's house for 2 or 3 days. Then home again to work on getting more stuff ready for my 3 month deployment.

That and play with the new toys I get for Xmas. GPS unit, Bearcat scanner, Wife's stereo system...
Um - genset? :confused:

Sounds like a plan. Deployment? What will we do without you? :chug:
Nothing better then a bunch of toys for Christmas!
Yesterday we went to my uncles house. On Christmas Day, my inlaws are all coming over to eat the meal that will take 10 hours for me to make.

Today, I have to finish shopping. And this evening and tomorrow, I am making cookies. I already made chocolates.

****! I just remembered that Wednesday I have to make chicken and dumplins. And get my dressing ready... damn! I need to make a list.... I need to get away from the computer.

AND Bubba got into the closet today and found one of his big gifts... Guitar Hero World Tour for the Wii he is getting! We told him its an empty box!
WOW! You certainly have and will be busy!

10 hours in the kitchen huh? You need some help!

Also, send some those chicken and dumplings my way! Sounds yummy!!!
I dont like others in my kitchen. They cant do it as good as I can :)

Besides, I dont use recipes. I do it by taste, and know-how.

I need your address to send the dumplins. I make them 4 times a year, and for funerals.
This made me laugh...

Top Ten Politically Correct Christmas—excuse me, Holiday—Songs

10. Chestnuts Roasting on an Environmentally-friendly Fuel Source

9. Rudolph, the Endangered and Exploited Specie

8. We Three Politically Oppressive Patriarchs

7. Rocking Around the Recycled, Flame-retardant, Artificial Christmas Tree

6. All I Want For Christmas is a Dental Plan

5. Frosty the Snowperson

4. I Saw Mommy Suing Santa Claus for Sexual Harassment

3. I'm Dreaming of a Racially Diverse Christmas

2. I'll Be Home For Ramadan (or Chanukah or Kwanzaa or Winter Solstice or . . .)

1. We Wish You a Non-sectarian Holiday
Um - genset? :confused:

Sounds like a plan. Deployment? What will we do without you? :chug:
Nothing better then a bunch of toys for Christmas!

Genset= generator (very handy when the lights and heat go out. I also have a 100K BTU blast heater to heat the house with that will run off the genset)

And don't worry! I'll be on to harass you the whole time I'm gone. I'm bringing the Laptop with me! :banana: Besides, I'm only going to NJ...:censored::censored:
Did x-mass with my girls last weekend then they went off to stay with grandma and now they are back home at the X's. "They" got a Wii from me and "wife 2.0", she already got through Guitar Hero on easy. She is off until the 2nd. I had today and will have tomorrow off but should have had Friday off also but with the storm I will be working to make sure all of our trucks can keep the county roads as free of snow as possible. X-mass day will be spent drinking Mimosas and eating left-overs.

Hope all have a happy and healthy holiday.:chug:

Oh, and get all the goodies you asked for instead of the coal you probably deserve:p.
Been here in Orlando for the last few days... My two nephews and my niece have wore me out!!! I fixed my Brothers laptop and desktop and got all his networking straightened out and now I'm on my Mothers desktop reloading all of her stuff! CJ techno geek to the rescue!

Have a great one all!
So Christmas celebrations are finally over. Must spend the next few days doing dishes and miscellaneous cleaning.
Presents are something to look forward to, yes.
Although none of the packages seem to contain a CJ. :(
Wait, you make her wait until x-mass for that present?:confused:
LOL - Good things are worth the wait!!!

Just returned from a wonderful time with my family. I hope everyone had as nice a Holiday as I did!

Now - what to do until the 5th of Jan... ??? Anyone else off until then? :D
Nope. Back to work tomorrow for me...
We are doing NOTHING for New Year's Eve... watching movies and drinking some bubbly, that's about it... BORING!
LOL - Good things are worth the wait!!!

Just returned from a wonderful time with my family. I hope everyone had as nice a Holiday as I did!

Now - what to do until the 5th of Jan... ??? Anyone else off until then? :D

Im a little off everyday...

I was in the kitchen for 17 hours on Christmas day. I am glad its over.

Took down the tree Saturday. Yesterday, I sat on my <-BAD WORD-> and read a book. I sent Bubba to work with his daddy today (he's a truck driver) so I have the house to myself...well, the dog is here. Oh well.
I spent most of the time trying to figure out how to change a Transformer robot into a car...or was it a plane. I also got sucked into attempting to defend my childs honor on some silly video game where the evil Boss at level 2 quickly destroyed my half hearted attempts at dispatching his sorry hide. 5 year old son did a wonderful job in coaching me but eventually took back the game controler and then sent me to my room.:(

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