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step on brake pedal all lights come on

step on brake pedal all lights come on


piscataway, nj
78 cj5,232 i6, 3spd t150,spicer 20 transfer case,
stepping on my brake pedal now causes all my lights to come except the headlights. and the turn signals no longer work? bad ground somewhere again? lol only in a jeep.
It is more than just a ground, I think you should check and see if the upper part of the brake pedal has frayed some wires and causing a short.
It is more than just a ground, A think you should check and see if the upper part of the brake pedal has frayed some wires and causing a short.
TorxHead has it right, A bad ground wouldn't cause this problem. A bad ground would cause the lights not to work.
Its a short. The lights are shorted together. It could be a frayed wire like what TorxHead is saying. It is also very possible that it's a bad light socket. That's what my money is on. I think it's a bad taillight socket. That's where you have lights, brake lights and turn signals all in the same location.
Here's what you do: Reach up into the rear fender and unplug one taillight. Of course that light will have no power. Keep in mind the front turn signal for that side will not flash when the rear is unplugged. See if that fixed it. If not plug it back in. Unplug the other taillight. See what tail light fixes the problem when unplugged and replace that taillight.
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bad turn signal switch and/or feedback thru the turn signal switch like tow lights etc.
Could be a bad turn light or headlight switch. Shorted wires.

Get out the wiring diagram and test light. Start at the battery and work your way toward the lights.
Good luck. :D
stepping on my brake pedal now causes all my lights to come except the headlights. and the turn signals no longer work? bad ground somewhere again? lol only in a jeep.

check the bulbs and make sure there the right bulbs and that there not shorting out clean the grounding areas good as this could be a classic grounding problem. When the ground disappears the current starts to flow through other bulbs in the cluster which have some indirect connection to ground eg and check the wiring harness that runs from the rear to the front were it connects and make sure thats all good at the connections and that there are no bare spots or breaks in the harness
well i disconnected the brake lights one at a time and all that did was stop the back marker lights from coming on when i step on the brakes. the front turn signals and markers still come on, and still no turn signals. i replaced the flasher for fun i had an extra one. if i disconnect the turn signal switch the problem goes away. well sort of lol so i will start there tomorrow.
have you checked all the bulbs ? signals and markers ? front and back
A bad turn signal switch can cause alot of strange problems.
got it a bad turn bulb up front. all corroded thanks to everybody for all the help.:chug:

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