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this is why off-roaders get a bad name

this is why off-roaders get a bad name


RIP Mike, we'll all miss you
OKC area
'74 CJ-5,
360 AMC Engine.
35x12.50x15 TSL Super Swamper tires.

In a frame off rebuild for a long time...
And why we may not have a place to legally wheel soon.
MuskogeePhoenix.com, Muskogee, OK - Officials: ATVs strain Gruber park

Officials say the rapid rise in popularity of off-road vehicles has begun to place a strain on the Gruber Off-Road Vehicle Park east of Muskogee.
Mike Ward, chairman of the Gruber Recreational Trust Authority Board, said that in addition to the all-terrain vehicles, motorcycles and mountain bikes brought to the park, there has been a surge in the use of four-wheel-drive vehicles.
Ward said he is frustrated with the damage done by some people riding four-wheelers at the park.
“They get down there with a pretty good group of them, and they take turns going up and down these rocky hills, and they strip away all the top soil, and then it rains and washes all the dirt out around the rocks and you end up with a big giant pile of rocks,” he said.
Ward said there is another kind of trail damage that is even more reckless.
“When the big four-wheel drives can’t go down a trail where the motorcycles and the ATVs go, they hop out with a chain saw and just cut trees down,” he said.
The Camp Gruber ORV Area was created by a land grant from the Federal Government’s Department of the Interior in March 1990. It is located south of Fort Gibson on Oklahoma 10 about halfway to Braggs. The 455.55 acres was deeded to Muskogee County for recreational purposes.
Ward said he hasn’t been able to get signage and therefore can’t get the sheriff to monitor the park and enforce rules.
He’d like to get rid of the four-wheel-drive vehicles altogether.
“That’s the thing; I wanted to just completely prohibit them from the park, but from the way that Gene (County Commissioner Gene Wallace) talks, he thinks that we ought to be a little bit more diplomatic with that.”
The alternative to reduce the damage being done may be some kind of management system.
“So what we’re looking at is starting a permitting process where they have to have a permit to go in there and ride, and that’s just something we’ll have to determine if there’ll be a charge or a fee for a registration,” he said. “Basically, with that permit they’ll get a map that specifies where they can take their Jeep.”
The Gruber ORV Park has no means of income other than land use fees generated by competition racing events held on the property, gate fees, and by donations from park users.

I don't know where to begin on this one...

I'm guilty of tearing up a wheeling place, but that was about 30 years ago and not on a designated land preserve. In this day and age, everyone knows and understands 'tread lightly' and 'pack out what you pack in'.

Now, if it's a designated spot and not well setup, the land can be torn up. But, that is why trails and such should be rotated.

There are so many ways to preserve our areas without just stopping the usage outright.

A great site! http://www.treadlightly.org/
what I didn't understand is how the guy can say that four wheelers "JEEPS" in particular, pretty much tear up the trails but when its a motorcycle or quad (four-wheeler), its OK?
I really don't agree with taking a chainsaw to the trails, but the erosion of the trails on an OFF-ROAD park is to be expected- from ALL users. I'm thinking that he got cut off by a 4 wheeled (truck,jeep,blazer,whatever) and now he wants the place to himself and his buddies.
I know a number of guys that have both quads, motorcycles, and jeeps/trucks. Depends on the plan of the day as to what gets used that day.
Why would they support a ORV park that is hostile to one of their vehicle choices? I wouldn't.
I wouldn't support them eaither..

Many people use the term "Jeep" for any and all four wheel drive vehicles. Drives me nuts! I know you have seen or heard someone use the term 'Suzuki Jeep' before! I'm wondering if that could be the case here?
Oh man that reminds me...When I met my wife, she knew nothing about 4 wheel drives or cars in general. So every time she'd see a SWB rig of ANY type, she'd say "there's a nice JEEP!" Oh boy it didn't take her long to change her tune!
Now, a couple mornings ago (in the dark at 0515 no less) my 3YO goes "cute JEEP" just as we go by one that has sat in a guys yard for a few weeks now. I'm so proud...:) Training her right from the start!
LOL..:D In my hometown, the term jeeps are different from cars! anywayz, i think they should reevaluate their plans but if already done... then they should listen to feed backs and then make some improvements...:cool:
QUOTE. in addition to the all-terrain vehicles, motorcycles and mountain bikes brought to the park, there has been a surge in the use of four-wheel-drive vehicles.
Ward said he is frustrated with the damage done by some people riding four-wheelers at the park.
“They get down there with a pretty good group of them, and they take turns going up and down these rocky hills, and they strip away all the top soil, and then it rains and washes all the dirt out around the rocks and you end up with a big giant pile of rocks,” he said.
Ward said there is another kind of trail damage that is even more reckless.
“When the big four-wheel drives can’t go down a trail where the motorcycles and the ATVs go, they hop out with a chain saw and just cut trees down,” he said........

The word JEEP, was only used once in his statement, and even then, just in the last few words. I don't get too riled up over the use of the word when describing 4X4's in general, being It's the most recognized off road vehicle in the world. The guy has a legit gripe. I have access to some land to wheel on, and we had to restrict the quads from using it. They can tear up more land in a shorter time than a friggin bomb will. The erosion problems were clogging up the dedicated trails for larger 4X4's and causing them to have to go around the washouts, creating even more problems. They just cannot seem to stay off the more "delicate" places on the property, so out they went. Aside from being annoying, dirt bikes are a non issue. Putting a chainsaw to a tree so some arrogant moron can go try out a new ditch or hill is out of control, and he has a right to be pissed. I can guarantee you it was not someone on a quad that pulled out that saw, It was some fool in a "Jeep type" (read big 4x4) that did it. He, not being a wheeler, just spit out what came to mind as an off road vehicle. Calling him names gets you into the childish club, and never solves anything. In fact, It makes things MUCH worse. The local wheelers have an incredible opportunity to turn this around by organizing and policing themselves, finding the culprits, and pointing fingers at the evil doers. Maintaining the trails, and acting as good will ambassadors to the sport. The ball is in their court, and if they drop it, they have only themselves to blame for the potential loss of privilege. In general, I don't care for 4x4 "clubs", I also dislike labor unions. I do however understand that they do have their place at the right times.

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