Well no retitle needed.
There are many columns that will work, but if you want a bolt in, that could be hard.
I do not know for sure that the 78 and the 73 are different, but I will say that in 76 jeep widened the frame and did floor board work to Cjs, exactly what is affected in the steering column I cannot say. However I can give a bit of advice.
Most any column is going need you to do some shaft adapting and trail and error fitting and then cycleing the system. you will probably want to set aside 2 weekends to do the conversion. The first to fit and try, the second to weld in the parts you had to gather the week after the first weekend.
If we were swapping in a 72 to 75 unit into the 73 I would think it was an easy do, but somewhere I feel the difference in frame is going get you fabbing a part or two.
Good luck and take pics to show us all.
PS, a lot of guys like the GM columns out of Camaros and related cars.
PSS, remember that if you change the angle of the column and cut a new hole in the firewall that you will need to reinforce the sheet metal that supports the column or it WILL crack.